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Latest Track Day Footage

Started by Daley Down Under, 27, July, 2010, 11:18:53 PM

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Daley Down Under

Hi all,

Spire has been behaving itself recently.  Here's a couple of YouTube links.  First one is Combe, second one is Silverstone Southern Circuit.  Forgot to turn the mic on for Silverstone - oops.  Times are improving but still more set up work needed.  Managed a 1:16.6 at Combe and 1:18.5 for Silverstone where the 355 Challenge Race Car on slicks was marginally faster.


David H

Yeehaa Adrian! Not long now mate and I'll be back out there!!


I really enjoyed watching that, what sort of speeds did you get up too?

Hairy Santa

I enjoyed watching that  - I can see the attraction now
loooks like great fun


I also enjoyed the vid. Makes me want to buy a faster car, but first. where can I buy faster reactions.


Daley Down Under


Managed 136mph down the Hangar straight (but into a headwind).  132mph towards Avon Rise at Combe.



Very impressive Adrian 8)

Ken and I are doing the Silverstone Southern circuit on August 27th with Circuit Days.

I've watched your video over and over to help me learn the circuit and lines.

Don't think we'll quite manage 1' 18"s though :o

Daley Down Under


You never know.  The new Club corner is excellent - out of the esses and late turn in to pit straight otherwise you're way off to the left.  It's a more difficult circuit to get right than Combe (probably something to do with much wider track and more line combinations).



Great vids bruv! Can't believe you let the race 355 past  :-)

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