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JK composite seats

Started by Grin-a-lot, 02, September, 2010, 09:28:00 AM

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I'm thinking about getting a pair of triton 7 seats for my narrow body westie.

Does anyone have some fitted to their car and would you mind if I come and park my backside in them for 10mins sometime?

If anyone has other suggestions for thin seats (to maximise the space in the cockpit) then i'd be interested to hear what the alternatives are.



Hi Sir Grin A Lot

I have fitted a pair of 'low side' seats from Triton Race Seats in my MEV Rocket recently.  I guess that is the same company, a young couple called Ed and Emma were doing an offer at Stonleigh that I could not refuse.  These are very slim line seats, I have lost a some weight since I started with kit cars and they fit me and mrs mattsmev like a glove, but some people would need a tub of lard and a miracle to get in them.  They do a range of seats including seats for the fuller figure (I am certainly not suggesting anything about your body size, i don't think we have ever met), but it's worth catching them at a show to try the whole range of seats.

The seats are very good, really solid and far better than the seats I had before.  These seats have a box section moulded in them to give really good rigidity.  when they arrived there was a chip in the gel coat, but i sent them back for repair with no trouble at all, and they refunded my postage.  they also made them in orange for me, and they can do them in any colour.  They are GRP (not composite.)

they can be contacted on 07824 392 667

I will be at the next meet on Sunday 12th, so you can try them then.




I toyed with the idea of getting some for my s7 but was a bit worried about getting a sore bum 'cause my suspension is very hard (non existent!)

Do you have any trouble on 50 mile runs Matt?


Hello paintman

i have fitted some 10mm sticky foam on the seats, mainly to stop me slipping forward under breaking.  Anyway, i have used these hard seats for a couple of years, I have been to holland, Le Mans and lots of long runs to newark, stonleigh, stafford etc.

As long as the seat fits well, they are very comfortable.

I hope to make the next club meet, you are more than welcome to give them a go.



Mark G


I have a pair of Triton high sided seats in my Indy,  You're more than welcome to come over and try them some time if you like.  I'm in Nailsea, can drive out and meet you somewhere if you like.  It'll give me an excuse to go for a drive...


Thanks lads.....I'll try them out when we meet up ;)

  Cheers.     Tony

Bulldog Bri

Club meeting next weekend guys, perfect  ;D


David H

I have triton seats in mine also.

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