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We Have Ignition!

Started by YellaBelly, 26, March, 2011, 09:51:10 PM

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At long last, I managed to get the 442 running :D

Finally got all the pieces of the jigsaw in pace and she fired up woohoo!!

rough as nuts but there is no air filter yet and the cooling system was full of air locks so the auto choke was playing up, but once the air locks had been cleared and it warmed up a little, on higher revs it sounded pretty good  ;D. Still rough as hell at the bottom end, but on higher revs it sounded rather throaty for a Pinto.

Now need to get an air filter sorted from somewhere, and try and get the thing running a little sweeter, but all-in-all I am one chuffed chappie tonight :))  8)

The wife has taken some video but I cannot get it off the camcorder and onto the PC as I have lost the CD and cannot find the drivers anywhere.

As soon as I manage to sort it I will put the video on here.

Happy days 8)

'The Gaffer'

Well done that man, look forward to the video :)


Yeah it's a great feeling the first start up next to the first start

Well done


Cheers chaps :)

And yes Phil, I'm looking forward tot he video too, if I ever get this damn thing to let me have it so I can put it on the PC  >:(


Quote from: YellaBelly on 26, March, 2011, 09:51:10 PM
At long last, I managed to get the 442 running :D

Finally got all the pieces of the jigsaw in pace and she fired up woohoo!!

rough as nuts but there is no air filter yet and the cooling system was full of air locks so the auto choke was playing up, but once the air locks had been cleared and it warmed up a little, on higher revs it sounded pretty good  ;D. Still rough as hell at the bottom end, but on higher revs it sounded rather throaty for a Pinto.

Now need to get an air filter sorted from somewhere, and try and get the thing running a little sweeter, but all-in-all I am one chuffed chappie tonight :))  8)

The wife has taken some video but I cannot get it off the camcorder and onto the PC as I have lost the CD and cannot find the drivers anywhere.

As soon as I manage to sort it I will put the video on here.

Happy days 8)

Got the same trouble myself.   I have two camcorders that I have put on my pc before, because I run Vista the drivers are built in.....But now all that it recognises are my still cameras..  Trouble is I cant get the software for my cams to download from anywhere.
How Phil has the patience to play around with the club site all the time baffles me....Sometimes I feel like putting my fist through it and going into the garage... >:(


Congratulations!!.........but I would throw the auto choke as far as i can if i was you though.....they are rubbish on the Pinto, trust me.    Best thing i ever did was fit a manual choke. ;)



Quote from: paintman on 26, March, 2011, 11:31:44 PM
Congratulations!!.........but I would throw the auto choke as far as i can if i was you though.....they are rubbish on the Pinto, trust me.    Best thing i ever did was fit a manual choke. ;)


Fully agree on that one.... ;)


OK, any pics, diagrams or suggestions then chaps?


'Mendip Wurzel'

Well done ...  a relief when I first start an engine in at least it is put together correctly and I don't have a shed load more work in trying to get the thing going.


I'm not sure what you've got but if I can find them then i've got 2 K&N filters than came off my twin 40s and an old manual choke cable.  The filters are old but working, if it's enough to get you through the forthcoming tests/building then you're welcome to them.


I'm running a Weber DGAV carb and have no filter mount or anything so no idea what I need at the moment, so if what you have will fit or can be adapted that would be great. If I can adapt the choke to manual with the cable you have mate I would be grateful.

I realised today as well that I had forgotten the vacuum hose from the carb to dizzy and also I have nothing connected to the oil vent pipe on the manifold so that will be giving me a weak mixture too. I would have tried it again today but spent forever sorting out lots of other stuff. I also found out that the fuel tank still had quite a few pinholes in the bottom so had to mix up a load more JB Weld to fill them :(. I'm hoping I've got them all this time, if not I think I'll buy a larger tub of the stuff and just coat the entire bottom of the tank! Real PITA, might have to try and source another one unless anyone knows of a way to seal it.



I got a dgav which i recomend you change to manual......you can get a kit to do this off ebay but they are getting hard to find and about £30+.

The engine will run ok without a vacume pipe to the dizzie connected i found.......some people don't bother with it.  Must admit it does not seem to make any difference on mine.

I put a round K+N on mine but had to cut the bottom out of it to stop it touching the underside of the bonnet and an air scoop directly over it for some nice cold air. ;)


Bulldog Bri

Ditto on the Ignition side John. Got the Gentry wired up yesterday, so she starts by key as well now :)



Nice one Bri :)

Getting p'd off trying to get the video off my camcorder on to the PC though! Can't find the drivers and there is nothing online anywhere :( Even tried copying from camera to dvd recorder then dvd to PC, but the PC won't play the dvd from the recorder Grrr!

Any ideas chaps?


Bulldog Bri

How about your phone? has that got a camera? Most do and if it has then I guess it'll do video as well. Won't that be easier to transfer?

Don't you work for Motorola as well?  ::)



The worst thing is Bri that I've got a smashing little digital camera that I use all the time and it's dead easy to get video off that. I used the camcorder thinking it would give more quality, HAH!

Anyway, the Boss has just returned from town with my Firewire lead so I'm going to try and sort it now.

Watch this space.......

Oh, and BTW, yes I do work for Motorola and yes I do have a camera on the phone. Just my luck to use the only camera that I can't get video of easily.



Well......here it is, hope it was worth it guys?

Can't tell I was happy though can you? ;) 8)

BTW, the end went a bit doolally but hey ho!


'The Gaffer'

Excellent vid JB :)

A few more batteries plus a fine tune and you'll be on the road.


Great job!!  Very satisfying to hear it run ;D

Bulldog Bri

Supurb John. Nice to see I'm not the only one that has to use more than 2 batterys sometimes to get them started. Great feeling though when it starts for  the first time. Has it moved under it's own power yet then?



Nope, not got my propshaft yet and the fuel system still needs 'tweaking' (I've got a few pinholes in the bottom of the tank - does anyone have a spare Spitfire Mk4/5 tank they don't need? :) ).

I was so fired up to get the thing running that I completely forgot to charge the battery :). God bless the jump leads is all I can say :D


One satisfying moment in a build !

Still get a kick out of the exhaust sound on mine  ;D


I found the filters and choke cable, i'll drop you a PM when I get home Friday morning with photos/details.  If you're still interested in them then we'll figure out a way of getting them to you.  You never know, my car might even be ready for a spin!


quality video i still got my video from my first start up as well i like the fire extinguisher being handy well you never know


realy enjoyed watching that  well done


Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 30, March, 2011, 06:34:04 PM
I found the filters and choke cable, i'll drop you a PM when I get home Friday morning with photos/details.  If you're still interested in them then we'll figure out a way of getting them to you.  You never know, my car might even be ready for a spin!

OK mate thanks. I'm sure we can sort something out :)

If you feel the urgent need to give your car a run you can always pop over to mine and cast a critical eye on the 442 :) I would of course aide your fuel expenses ;)


'Mendip Wurzel'

I enjoyed your excitement... great stuff



Nice to see someone at their most excited point......The fire up...... :P

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