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Started by danwilko, 09, September, 2011, 03:57:44 PM

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hi all

my names Dan and thought i should join a new club seeing as i now have a kit car

I still own a Ford Racing Puma, although i am currently trying to sell this (will be taking it to beauliue tomorrow in the car mart) and i also own an Austin Healey sprtie which i was going to supercharge but then a friend told me about a pilgrim sumo going cheap, which i just couldnt refuse....

been sitting outside for some years though and needs some bits but hoepfully find some tomorrow. but the engine does turn over on the key and sounds like it wants to start so thats the biggest battle won. ;D

will put some pics up soon of all the cars if people are interested and look forward to hopefully joingin you on some meets in the summer


Hello and welcome Dan

Love to see some pics

'The Gaffer'

Hi Dan and a warm welcome to our club.

Look forward to seeing a few pics and meeting up.

David H


Hi Dan,  Welcome to our club and the forum.    Lots of friendly enthusiasts here if you need any help......by the way, where are you based?



Welcome to the club Dan.

'Mendip Wurzel'


Hi and welcome Dan. Be good to se some pics.


Bulldog Bri

Welcome aboard Dan. See you at some meets.



good to see your all a friendly bunch

based in Whitchurch, bristol btw

and lets try again to upload pics (stupid t mobile dongle internet)

'The Gaffer'

Nice pics, and a good winter project there. Keep us updated :)


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