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Started by BillieWhiz, 16, June, 2012, 10:13:48 PM

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Just saying hello,

Name is Graham, 56 yr old petrol head.

not been a member of any Car Clubs before, but have a Cobra Kit with Rover V8, which I have owned for 5 yrs.

generally go out for a drive with the misses who enjoys being in the passanger seat, nearly as much as I enjoy driving.

enjoy going to shows but have not entered my own car before.

soon to be moving from Frome to Wareham, but will still be looking to get out and about. Looking to widen my circle of friends to include a few other kit car owners, hence joining the site.

'The Gaffer'

Hi Graham and a warm welcome to our club.

Shame you will be moving from our neck of the woods, but please feel free to post a pic or 2 of your Car.


Welcome along Graham... We have a member local to you with a Cobra v8 and I'm sure he will welcome you unless you already know him?
As the 'gaffer' said post a pic or 2 of your car ..

'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome Graham, we have a few members around the Frome area.

Bulldog Bri

Hiya and welcome to the club



Hi Graham

and welcome to the club, I also got a Rover V8 Cobra, have to arrange a run out



Hi. Welcome to the club.  :)


Graham, loads of freindly like minded petrol heads into any thing from Circuit racingf to attending show's to just going for run's

Castle Coombe this weekend coming, see earlier threads

Look forwartd to a chin wag some day


Hi Graham and welcome.     I live in Frome, is your Cobra painted blue?.......if so, i've seen you around! ;)        Tony



Castle Coombe have a nice day out planned on Sunday.

So far 30 Cobs are planning to attend and do the parade lap to celebrate 50yrs of this iconic car.

I live in Shepton, so not far and also have a Cobra with a RV8.


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