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Started by bullrob, 19, November, 2012, 10:12:36 PM

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We have been building a Pilgrim Bulldog for 20 years. Is this a record

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club.

I think 20 years is a record :o

Do you have any pics of the build or are they still in a  magic lantern ? ;)

Hope you finish it this year,  there are a few bulldog fans who would be interested in seeing it.


 :o 20 years  ;D ;D ;D Now that must be a record  :)
Welcome along mate... I think you need to have a chat with Bri, he's got a couple..


hi there, gotta be a record, but good effort on keeping it up for 20 years, I know some people who give up after 1 year...

How far off finishing are you?


Hi there, what engine are you running? 


Hello and welcome to the club :)

I thought my Locost took long enough, 7 years from the first chassis weld to completion, but 20 years!!! :o :o

As already said, good on you for sticking at it ;) and pictures are mandatory on here ;) :D


Bulldog Bri

20 YEARS!!!! :o  ??? :o ??? :o  ??? :o

WOW! My first Bulldog took only 9 months and that was with no knowlege of cars when I started... How come its taken soooooo long?? Have you done a couple of bolts a year?? Are you local to Bristol if so happy to help and your welcome to come and look over our Bulldogs for any help and ideas. Which Mark of the car is it as well? Marina or Cortina?

Come on get it on the road where it belongs   ::) ;D :P

Bulldog Bri



Built new house. work took over. Ital based Bulldog gathered dust untill 4 years ago. Failed IVA due to lack of self correction in steering and seats not high enough and thr HT leads not marked with correct infomation 


Quote from: bullrob on 21, November, 2012, 02:09:42 PM
......... and the HT leads not marked with correct infomation

What was missing........1, 2, 3, 4 ..... lol  :P :P


some good news M.J had a look caster was 2.5 degs he is going to modif lower arm with a forward twist to 7 degs He builds all sorts of race cars at least wont have to fabricate new front suspension  8)http://bristolkitcarclub.co.uk/smf2/Smileys/solosmileys/cool.gif


hi have just bought a locust 7 replica any good info and the best place to get parts from will be running 16 crossflow when i can get hold of one any help would be great


Hi Shurmer, Welcome along.. Start a new thread and put up a few pics of what you have and a note of what you need.
I'm sure the guys (and girls) will be more than happy to help where we can  ;D

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