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Just to say hello

Started by garry h, 03, February, 2013, 08:29:06 PM

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garry h

Hi my name is Garry. I live on the Isle Of Wight and I am building a Scorhiil Magic.
I brought it last year as an unfinished project.It has a 1.6 pinto engine and I have just rented a unit to start the build.
I look forward to sharing tips and asking many questions as this is my first build.
Cheers Garry.


Welcome along Garry. Pop some pics up showing the current state.
I love the IOW. Spent a few holidays there at the Savoy club.

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club.

I'm sure you will get some good advice from the friendliest car club in the world :)


Hello Garry and welcome :)

I used to live on the IOW when I was younger (well much younger actually ;) ), my parents used to run the Livberal Club in Shanklin. I loved the place, haven't been back in a lot of years unfortunately.

look forward to seeeing pictures of the car.



hi gary

best of luck with the build.


Bulldog Bri


Hi & welcome.
How big is your house? We could all do a IOW convoy to yours, Stay the weekend, drive around the Island then convoy home again?  :D
Only joking. :P :P :P
Good luck on your project, Look forward to seeing some pic's.

garry h

Thank you to you all,I will try to get some pics this weekend.
A convoy to the island now theres something to think about ;)


Quote from: garry h on 05, February, 2013, 07:18:19 PM
Thank you to you all,I will try to get some pics this weekend.
A convoy to the island now theres something to think about ;)

That sounds great for a weekend Club Outing......we could convoy down and stay overnight, then drive right around the island on the Sunday!!! ;) ;)



We could tie it in to a visit to one of the RN ships in Portsmouth as well and make it a big weekend of warships and driving!

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Grin-a-lot on 06, February, 2013, 09:17:53 AM
We could tie it in to a visit to one of the RN ships in Portsmouth as well and make it a big weekend of warships and driving!

That would be great, I've always wanted to drive a warship.


There might be a bit of confusion there Phil ;)


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 06, February, 2013, 12:51:37 PM

That would be great, I've always wanted to drive a warship.

Lol..... ;D ;D


Hi garry and welcome

A trip to the IOW sounds great

Bulldog Bri

Bet you didn't see that coming then Garry. Hope you got room for plenty of cars on your drive. lol.


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