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Started by hamhar, 12, May, 2013, 03:18:11 AM

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hi am Graham a real car nut owned duttons sylvas rickmans banham and now a robin hood exmo!
ps anyone near got ? loe to look one over to work out some of the many faults the part builders done! thanks


Hi Graham.

Welcome to the madhouse!

Can't help with the hood but I'll be glad to help with any questions I can answer. You will always find a willing bunch of guys on here who will help wherever they can ;)

Let us all know where you are located as we do have hoods in the club so maybe someone with one is near you?

John (JB)


Welcome along 'car nutter'  ;D ;D ;D
We have a good selection of kits cars for you to look over. Pop down to one of the monthly meets.


Hi Grayham and welcome ;).....where are you?



Hello and welcome Graham ;D


Welcome to the club.
Is it part built & needs finishing or is it finished & you want to change some things that is not quite to your satisfaction?

'The Gaffer'

Hi there and a warm welcome to our club :)


Welcome, try and come along to the Thursday evening meeting for a chat, we don't all bite. :)


Quote from: Sumov8 on 12, May, 2013, 08:12:08 PM
....we don't all bite. :)

Only Hairy, if he's missed his breakfast(s)

Bulldog Bri

Hello and welcome.



Quote from: paintman on 12, May, 2013, 04:03:28 PM
Hi Grayham and welcome ;).....where are you?


hi in the bishopstn area


Quote from: Moleman on 12, May, 2013, 07:56:28 PM
Welcome to the club.
Is it part built & needs finishing or is it finished & you want to change some things that is not quite to your satisfaction?

hi its part built.... badly!


thanks for your welcomes!


Hope it goes well? I will look forward to seeing it progress then.  :)

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