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Another Sylva Leader from Wiltshire (Devizes to be exact)

Started by Zephyr, 06, January, 2014, 02:55:21 PM

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Hi guys,
This is my first kit car; a sylva leader. The general view on it is very ugly, and to quote my partner "Hideous" but I love the shape.
It has a carb'd cologne V6 which I hope to swap out for the 2.9 inj.
I hope to drive out to a few meets once everything is done.


thanks for reading,


Hi, and welcome to the club, the car has a nice retro 80's look and as it has a period ford lump in makes all the better. I've seen far worse, as long as it's quick, fun and safe you can change anything else. Hope you get lots of fun in it!

garry h



Hi & welcome.  :)
It does look a bit old school but I really like it. Can't wait to see it in the flesh mate.  :D

Bulldog Bri

Lucky Ed


Thanks guys, I am thinking of updating it a little bit. Maybe getting rid of the spare wheel, rear bumper and windscreen and building a diffuser, the angle on the rear would really suit it I think.

How much of a bad Idea is it to get rid of the windscreen and replace with an aero screen??


'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club.

Yes, very old school but I like it too.

Problem with losing the windscreen is that you will lose your wet weather gear as well. But, in my experience areoscreens look nicer and in some cases actually produce less wind buffeting than a windscreen.



Hi Dan,

Welcome to the club.  I quite like it - it's quirky perhaps a little Batmobile in there?  I agree with you to lose the spare wheel it would look better for it.  Hope to see you at an event soon.  Enjoy the club!


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