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Started by Bulldog Bri, 05, November, 2009, 10:33:01 PM

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Bulldog Bri

Engine seems to be getting looser and turning over a little easier (but only with a full charge on the battery  :() (and a second one to jump it  ;D)


'The Gaffer'

Does the engine turn freely by hand/ spanner with the plugs out?

Bulldog Bri

Yep, fairly freely, have also got oil pressure now reading on the turn over so the pump repair must be good  :D just feel I've got to get the ignition timing correct and it's gonna go soon.



Baited breath............ :D

Bulldog Bri

It's Alive!

Had a 5 second run of firing, no starter.  ;D

Very Happy


'The Gaffer'

Good news bud :)

Hope it continues to run good, hopefully with no smoke or knocks.


Nice one Bri! Soon be purring like a kitten :D

Bulldog Bri

So chuffed with the engine, I've uploaded a small vid to YouTube :D


'The Gaffer'

Nice vid Bri.

Engine sounds sweet enough, hopefully just a few tweaks to get a real smooth run and tick-over 8)

Bulldog Bri

Yey!!! Got the body lowered back down this evening.  :P

I can now look at restoring the bodywork and bolting it all back together  ;D


'The Gaffer'

Good work, get a few pics up :)

Bulldog Bri

Now the Bulldog is out of the way, I've started back on the Merlin.

It's been moved over to the middle of the garage for ease of working on it, the first thing I want to get done is to sort out the bodywork. It had had a very poor paint job by a previous owner orange peel surface and has lots of small chips in it as well, plus a few holes and damage to repair, so I've got a lot of work ahead of me there.  ???

I've sparyed the wings with some old black spray paint, this will highlight the chips in the paint.

Then plenty of rubbing down with wet n dry


'The Gaffer'

That'l keep you fit Bri ;)

Good work.


oh sanding lovely sanding  :(

Some really good progress Bri !


You've been a busy boy!!!

Preperation, preperation and more preperation, thats the key.  Should look the DB's when done.


Hairy Santa

Can see you are getting somewhere now mate - what colour you going for

Bulldog Bri

Quote from: Hairy Santa on 17, March, 2010, 09:57:18 PM
Can see you are getting somewhere now mate - what colour you going for

The plan is Toyota's 'Metalic Dark Blue' for the wings, bonnet & boot with a soft cream colour (Looking at Mini's 'Pepper white') for the sides.



Hi Bri
Got to say mate, she sounds pretty sweet ! Purring like a tiger......
Rubbing progress looking good too, shame she wont be ready for Stoneleigh - drive down in the sun, buy a hood from the Merlin stand, drive back ..... !!!

Bulldog Bri

Spent the weekend tiding up the old guages so far the 4 small one have come out really good the2 larger ones need a fair bit more work.


'The Gaffer'

Nice work Bri :)

How much more work do you need to do on the car?


Looking good....are you spraying it in cellelose or 2 pack? ;)

I got to spray mine in the next couple of weeks unless I can get my son to do it.....he works in a body shop.

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: paintman on 28, March, 2010, 11:57:17 PM
I got to spray mine in the next couple of weeks unless I can get my son to do it.....he works in a body shop.

That would be handy 8)

Bulldog Bri

Quote from: paintman on 28, March, 2010, 11:57:17 PM
Looking good....are you spraying it in cellelose or 2 pack? ;)

I got to spray mine in the next couple of weeks unless I can get my son to do it.....he works in a body shop.

Ok for some isn't it  ;)

I shall be attempting to spray it  ???

Jobs still to do are, to paint, wire, fit out the intrior, re con the wheels, have the chrome bits redone and get a new roof. IVA!!!

Not to much still  :'( But I'd only get bored otherwise  :P



Glad to see you are coming along Bri.

This spraying lark is not as simple to get a good job as it looks is it.   Guess having the right equipment helps but I can't justify that for my little job.

We'll have to sit down with these IVA forms some time soon, I've read them a few times so have started to pull the varying accompanying paper work together, I think once done this might make a good little writeup to help others, maybe someone will do it before we do, then we can have a guide  ;D

Bulldog Bri

3 weeks of rubbing down and the Merlin is ready for painting, shame the paints never arrived in time for the long weekend as they were ordered in time (over a week before) but I doo now have a boot lid that now fits nicely now ;D

Does anyone know somewhere around Bristol that can do rechroming? as the bumpers and grill all need sorting out plus a few other little bits. And would I need to sort out the rusty bits first?



rubbing and sanding and sanding and rubbing, on and on it goes  ;D

Bulldog Bri

About time for an update,

With fingers nearly worn out sorting the bodywork out, I started on the spraying this week. first I started with the creamy/white for the sides. This turned out to be lots of hair pulling as this paint just hated the old fibreglass (not all of the exposed areas) and just ran off. so after rubbing down again Primered up and repainted.

Next I masked of the sides and then started on the Met blue. this has gone on fantastically well and have really enjoyed the results. Will give this all about a week to dry then a very light rub down followed by a few coats of clear.


Hairy Santa

That is gonna look great Bri

Brill job mate

Daley Down Under

It does look fantastic - cant wait to see the finished result

Bulldog Bri

Just taken the masking off  ;D

Couple of pics

Now the clean up then clear coat. Where the 2 colours meet there will be a black pin stripe to help hide the joins  ::)


'The Gaffer'

Nice work, shame you have to give it back :(

Bulldog Bri

Quote from: G & Toniq on 24, April, 2010, 10:11:34 PM
Nice work, shame you have to give it back :(
A little but it's given me lots to do and still learning  ;D

Unmasked it this morning and placed a few bits on.



Brilliant Bri !

I'm nearly done on the paint practice and on to the real thing, darn silly idea to try to do stripes though !

Know what you mean about worn out fingers.

Bulldog Bri

Thanks Rich, nice to know I'm not the only one with worn out fingers  ;D

Nowt wrong with stripes bud, I enjoyed putting them on the Locost  ::)



Looking fab Bri, superb in fact.
One slight problem, I think I want a black one now  :o
Keep up the fantastic work, I owe you more than a pint or two this time !

Still looking for that cheap Cobra for the next project.....  ;D



Looking pretty fine there Bri :D

Just hope I can get my 2shilling jallopy looking anything like :)


Bulldog Bri

I've just put a 3rd and final coat of clear on the Merlin this morning, that blue is really popping, will just have to give it a gentle rub with some very high grade wet n dry then polish it.


Bulldog Bri

Have got tired of all the rubbing down and polishing, so made a start on the wiring. As luck would have it, I found an old P100 Cortina pick-up in a scrapyard in Radstock last week still with it's loom in so it's now mine  :D

Spent the week running through wiring diagrams and labeling up what went where. It's now all but in place and the ingnition part is up and running next I'll start setting out earthing points in all corners of the car and a couple inside. Then I'll be on to the lighting and dash gauges.


Hairy Santa

Thats really looking good, will have to bring all my jobs over to you from now on

Bri is now our official paint sprayer for the club

and our official rewire'er  ;)


You're much braver than me Bri. I am leaving my painting until the final job or I know I'll knack it with a spanner or screwdriver if I have to do any sizeable work to it after I've painted.

Mind you, that's assuming the paint job ends up aas anything worth worrying about damaging of course :)


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