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Hi, Looking to buy a kit car

Started by dan1985, 21, August, 2010, 10:17:51 PM

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Hi everyone,

Not from the Bristol area but this club seems to have many different types of kit cars so i thought this would be a good place to look.

Im currently in the process of selling my Toyota Supra, its a rare TT aerotop currently carrying 430bhp, its a great car but cant is a bugger to have on a daily basis so...

With the money... a few grand is going into a daily diesel... the rest... about 6k (maybe more for the right kit car) for a weekend toy!

Ive been mainly looking at the Tiger kit cars as a workshop is local to me and i also took interest in the Sylva Mojo 2.... recently i saw the Toniq-R and thought that was STUNNING! but, cheapest ones are around 7k that ive found so far...

Has anyone got some ideas/thoughts/sales that could help me in my search?

thanks for the help guys, look forward to hearing from you.



Hi Dan, just read your first post,there is a very nice tiger on e-bay,the two tone paint effect one,I know nothing about this car, except what the advert says,this is the second time its been advertised on e-bay,it looks a stunner,just in case you hav'nt seen it.Like I said I know nothing about the car

Daley Down Under


£6k ish should give you plenty of choice.  Dont forget bike engines as an option.  No doubt you use Pistonheads.com already (classified section covers bike engines, kit cars and westfield).  Cars will start to get a bit cheaper in a couple of months as well - might get a bargain if you can wait a bit (although choice is often more limited over the winter).


'The Gaffer'

Agreed, £6K should allow for plenty of choice. After you have bought the car you can modify it further as and when budget allows.

As Adrian mentioned, Pistonheads classifieds is the way to go http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/


hi, thanks for the replies guys.

I know pistonheads well, I think its one of the better places to buy and sell.
heres my advert if anyones interested..


i hoping there will be plenty to choose from, cars wise, as im not entirely sure what i want, something quick but not too basic, thats why the toniq r caught my eye as it looks good too.

havnt ruled out bike engines at all, i saw on one site that the bike engined cars are quicker, are they reliable too?

'The Gaffer'

Sorry, just sold my Toniq R :( It was a BEC (Bike engined car) and over my couple of years ownership it proved to be very reliable indeed. No more maintenance than a car engine.

My old car on track.

BEC's are great fun, they love the rev's and as a rule because of the lack of wieght they are pretty quick too.

Mark G

Hi, Welcome to the club.

I know the situation you're in very well,  A few years ago I sold my skyline and bought a diesel and built myself an MK Indy.  The car is well known within the club and I have to say that the kit car is so much faster, better to drive and a pleasure to own compared to the skyline.  Unfortunately my time with the car is up so I'm currently advertising.  See the pic and the link below.

Click HERE if you're interested.


hi mark, im glad you posted, im glad someone with a very similar car has said it was good move. i was concerned id be hard pushed to find something quicker than what i have without spending a fortune. what your selling is very nice and i will take a look.

g&t... its a shame i wasnt quicker off the line, your toniq is stunning and would have come at you with all my piggy banks to get it, i really like it. the more and more i look at the toniqs the more i like them, but, they dont come cheap which could be a killer for me as the mrs is saying im not allowed to spend much more than the spare 6k.

i do need to find the right car or else it wont last long...

'The Gaffer'


Marks car really is a cracker, the all important build quality is there in abundance.


totally agree on marks indy, loving the colours too, the green with black wheels is spot on but not a fan of the roll cage. are roll cages essential? is it the law?

it is very nice but its a fair amount out of budget for me to make a move on it any time soon, would need a few months to save a bit extra.

got a couple coming to look at the supra on saturday, shes just bought a supra and thier getting one for him now.... clearly have lots a spare cash to blow!

'The Gaffer'

Personally I love the cage, very menacing and purposeful. Kit cars are very personal though.

Cages are not essential but some kind of roll bar is. Dont know if thats a legality but certainly sensible.

The most important thing to look out for is build quality and attention to detail as this can vary quite a bit.
Go and see Marks, then compare it eo some others and you may see what I mean.

Thats not to say there arnt lots of well built machines out there, its just finding one at the right price.

Good luck with the sale!!


the toniq really is my favourite so far, would involve saving but could be worth it...

second the mojo 2, but i fear they might not be that great, looks like a very short wheel base and smaller engines but looks fab.

the one thats in my price range is the original, tiger. but looks very simple...

i need an all rounder, fast, the looks, affordable...

'The Gaffer'

No doubt you have spotted the 2 Mojo's here. Well within your budget.


The Mojo comes from a great pedigree 'Sylva' My new Riot comes from the same stable and is quite a remarkable car.

Size is deceptive.


hi, yeah i have made contact with both, id pay the extra 1k for the 2ltr zetec compared to the 1.6. both very nice tho. the grey one has dropped in price from when i contacted him.

anyone on the forum own one? does anyone know any comparisions for this to other cars?


Quote from: dan1985 on 24, August, 2010, 12:26:36 PM
the toniq really is my favourite so far, would involve saving but could be worth it...

second the mojo 2, but i fear they might not be that great, looks like a very short wheel base and smaller engines but looks fab.

the one thats in my price range is the original, tiger. but looks very simple...

i need an all rounder, fast, the looks, affordable...
Dan.  Hairysanta has a Toniq, but has just brought a MAC, like a westy.  He might be prepared to sell it???  You never know a phone call wont hurt.



cheers, il drop him a pm.

as i mentioned, im not from bristol, no where near in fact, Norfolk. I feel ive had alot of help from you guys and you seem a good bunch so when i do buy a kit car would i be considered to come to events and meets in your area?

or with the accent difference would i be an outcast!!  :P

Bulldog Bri

More than welcome along on any meetings or runs  ;D

No snobbery or clickyness here, just a good interest in the cars.



well ive definately got the car bug! my list is a great one!

im glad youve said that, my local kit car club is slightly snobby, they are helpful tho when it comes to tigers.

although... someone will have to be my guide, never been to bristol lol


just a quick update... my supra sold today!

im now OFFICIALLY looking for a kit car! oh and a diesel family car too!  ;D

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: dan1985 on 28, August, 2010, 08:36:29 PM
just a quick update... my supra sold today!

im now OFFICIALLY looking for a kit car! oh and a diesel family car too!  ;D

Good news, did you persue those Mojo's?


well the red one sold but the grey is still available but i was chatting the the mrs last night and maybe its worth riding out the winter (as i wont get much use out of it anyway) and save till summer and get something like the toniq?

i dont want to rush it and end up wanting something else lol. i do have a budget of 6k if anyone wants to offer up tho  ;)

'The Gaffer'

You will have to save up a bit more than £6K for a Toniq, and they are actually quite rare compared to more mainstream cars - so getting your hands on one may be quite hard.

I've only seen 2 pre facelift ones, my old one being one of them.

Make sure you dont spend your money on something else over the winter and let us know what you eventually buy..


i dont mind saving, as long as i get the right car in the end. i do like toniqs but i agree, they are rare, and so could be parts... if it goes wrong!

im currently chasing a white diesel landrover for the day to day, got a tow bar too so picking up the toy will be easy.

how come you got rid of your toniq mate and got something else?

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: dan1985 on 31, August, 2010, 10:25:16 AM
how come you got rid of your toniq mate and got something else?

Just fancied a change, simple as that :) One main reason however was that despite doing a lot of work to the car I just couldent get comfortable in it. Sadly this a big problem for most taller drivers in most kit cars.

I took one sit in the Sylva Riot and found comfort all over again.


This Toniq is for sell on Piston Heads.......

'The Gaffer'

This car is no stranger to our club.

Pictured here at a club meet in July 09 with 'ahem' the stig.

Hairy Santa

Quote from: paintman on 10, September, 2010, 10:10:24 PM
This Toniq is for sell on Piston Heads.......

Where  - I cant find it anywhere - prob a age thing, - point me in the right direction please  ;)

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Hairy Santa on 10, September, 2010, 11:10:54 PM
Where  - I cant find it anywhere - prob a age thing, - point me in the right direction please  ;)

Here Pete http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1974889.htm

Hope you dont buy kit cars like your breakfasts mate.. in 2's :)


You better change your forum now Phil!! ;D

Who was dressed as the Stig.....or was it a friend from Bristol. lol

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: paintman on 10, September, 2010, 11:50:02 PM
You better change your forum now Phil!! ;D

Who was dressed as the Stig.....or was it a friend from Bristol. lol

Maybe it was the Stig 8)

Hairy Santa

Quote from: paintman on 10, September, 2010, 11:50:02 PM
You better change your forum now Phil!! ;D

Who was dressed as the Stig.....or was it a friend from Bristol. lol

Cheers Phil, nice car, must admit it looks somewhat different without the rocket launch lights and all the gauges on the dash. would you know if any of the mods that you did on yours have been done on it ?

It wasn't me I couldn't get into those overalls  ;D   

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Hairy Santa on 11, September, 2010, 09:45:39 AM
Cheers Phil, nice car, must admit it looks somewhat different without the rocket launch lights and all the gauges on the dash. would you know if any of the mods that you did on yours have been done on it ?

It wasn't me I couldn't get into those overalls  ;D

No mods like my old one and a slightly smaller engine. Think mine had more visual impact but the one for sale does look smart. I like the stripes and the duratec bonnet.

Here it is at Stoneleigh 2009.

PS, the stig was Glosjammer - owner at the time :)


And here was me thinking The Stig was a member of the Club!! :o :o


Thats a lovely toniq but, well out of budget.

just been searching and found an indy with a 900cc engine. what they bike? is that a bit small for a car engine?

Mark G

If its an Indy with a 900cc engine it'll most likely be a Honda Fireblade engine which is a high revving and reliable bike engine.  It will actually be either 893cc, 919cc or 929cc. I have and 893cc in my Indy (which is still for sale) and it goes like the clappers.  Most Fireblade engines in a kit car will be between 120 - 135 Bhp depending on state of tune and engine size.

The only thing to bare in mind is that if it has a bike engine you want the car to be as light as possible as power/weight ratio is very important with bike engines.


I started looking at wheels outside the body kit cars initially.  Then I thought about the wife coming with me and decided on a 'full' body kit (I actually tinkered with the idea of a ferrari kit, but not for long).
Strange thing is wife said (when attending the August meet, yes she was sat on her own with a glass of wine thinking I could be at home in comfort, but she commented that the wine was going down rather well) I thought you'd have got one of those type.  It's simple and, as stated, kits are personal things and I liked the one I bought as I fancied something different.  So, if something takes your fancy, buy it.  The long and the short of it is if you don't you'll regret it (ask Hairy).

'The Gaffer'

Agreed, kit cars are very personal. Selfish as it may be, your not buying a family car 8)


Unless, of course, you buy a bulldog  ;D

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