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My first solo flight..

Started by Psymon, 23, August, 2010, 12:10:32 PM

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Some of you might be aware that i do a few extreme sports to pass the time away.
over the last 2 years i have been looking into Paramotoring and last week took a intense course to do just that.
More training is required due to the weather not playing ball through the week. Just like driving our kit cars, the weather has to be more than perfect for paramotoring, early starts and late eve giving the best weather window low winds less thermals etc.
Just a small video of my first flight.

Now as i have been away from the family all week, its wife maintanance time so i will prolly not be on much again for this week.

Cheers Si.


Wow, that loks like great fun, but not for me I get dizzy standing on the edge of the pavement, and I used to be a roofer when I was younger.



Just had a look at vid, wow! I would love to do something like that, used to do free fall parashuting, if you can,please send me a pm with the details.

'The Gaffer'

Nice one Si

I presume the engine is stopped before you land? Not sure I'd want that prop wizzing around if I had a stumble while landing :o

Great achievment mate :).

Hairy Santa

I'm impressed with you that man

I do like the way you bury your head in to the ground on landing, saves having it cut off with the prop I suppose   :D


Lol, yup the engine is off pre landing, or if doing touch and goes it stays on.
There is a cage to prevent the prop coming into contact with you thank god  :D
I took off with quarter power on that machine.
It's a rotary powered 294cc 40hp with 95kg of thrust a monster of a machine also weighs 45kg

Bulldog Bri

Awesome sport... Have done a little Paragliding before towed behind a speedboat but thats as near to it as I can claim  ;D


Something I've always fancied a go at!

Thought it would be better than Hangliding as I've all too often seen those come down with a thud! But after watching the landing in your video maybe it's also an option in Paramotoring? lol! :)

Still fancy having a go though, just don't think I'd have either the time or the funds.



Quote from: YellaBelly on 26, August, 2010, 10:36:12 AM

often seen those come down with a thud! But after watching the landing in your video maybe it's also an option in Paramotoring? lol! :)

They can do, but most of the time it's nice and smooth, was for me on the vid just i stumbled with my first step and my back not used to 50kg on me back  :P

Cheers Si

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