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Started by fromeflyer, 06, January, 2016, 10:22:21 AM

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Its better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done, so tell the wife how much you paid for things - but leave off the VAT so your not lying.

Gary RH7

I do that :P I also round it down to the nearest £10.00 and say something like £40.00 ish when it was £49.99 + VAT :-X :-X :-X


I never tell the wife porkies  :-X . Mind you I haven't seen her in 24 years so it does help ;D ;D


I just say that I've that old thing for ages in the garage.
The car parts, not the wife.

Crunchie Gears

LOL   I use a little man maths  :P

When I buy a car I and she asks how much I tell her the list price and do not include the extras I have ordered.  ;) ::)  She never asks how much I have spent on upgrades either ;D  It is funny as she is very economical unlike me  :o

Oh, and I never ask what she has spent :-*


I always tell my wife everything. I just wait until she is asleep first.  ;)

Facial Hair Optional

I tell mine to mind her own damned business - but then she is totally imaginary and can't answer back or john wayne bobbitt me in my sleep!  :o

'Mendip Wurzel'

I call my other half the 'home accountant'.

Its funny how price stickers always seem to fall off everything I purchase before I get home, it must be the poor quality glue they use. I have even broken my nail in the past trying to keep the price stickers on.... 

'The Gaffer'

I guess I must be just really lucky. My wife does not bat an eyelid at what I spend on anything.. As long as I treat her to something once in a while, she's happy. Maybe thats the trick :P

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