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Wanna be on a TV Show?

Started by 'The Gaffer', 13, April, 2011, 07:12:28 PM

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'The Gaffer'

I got an email from Claire Capaldi from Zeppotron (part of Endemol UK)


Hi Phil

I hope you don't mind me emailing you out of the blue. I understand you are the contact for Bristol Kit Car Club.

I'm currently working on a new primetime Saturday night ITV1 comedy panel show, being made by Zeppotron, an Endemol company. We would love to get in touch with kit car enthusiasts for the show.

We are looking for fun couples who are very much in love, but have an ongoing tiff or dispute that they want resolved, once and for all! Perhaps they can't agree on the love of kit cars? It doesn't matter how small or ridiculous the issue may be – it could be an annoying habit, a strange hobby, or something silly that they just always argue about.

We filmed a pilot of this show earlier in the year, and our comedians included Jack Dee, Jo Brand and Sarah Millican.

Our celebrity comedy panel will watch each couple in action, listen to both sides of the story, and then ultimately decide who they think is right, and who is wrong. This is the chance to finally get your own way on an issue that's being driving you mad!

If this sounds like you Email us now at for an application form - Or give us a call on our hotline on 0333 577 7772

(Don't forget to leave your full name and number) Please note all 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers. All pay as you go mobiles will be charged at the local rate. 

Please also note we will use your data for the purposes of selection for the show, but we can not guarantee that you will be contacted.

End Quote

Well, what are you waiting for.. get signing up :)


David H


At first I said NO, then I thought about it a little longer, and the answer still came out NO.


I can sense a theme here I don't think they are going to get any takers from the club

It's been posted on locostbuilders swell they must be desperate


Are we all going to turn down the chance to be publicly humiliated on prime time TV?  Please bear in mind that this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to be the object of derision in front of millions so that so called "celebrity comedians" can enhance their careers at your expense.

Now that I've explained it like this someone, somewhere must be keen. 

Actually it could be an opportunity for ITV to portray kit car enthusiasts as nutters in exchange for some cheap laughs.  Some one the other day told me I was getting cynical.

On a serious note I received the same email as I still on a list somewhere for the Marlin Sports Car Club (now defunct).  I sent a very nice email back explaining that I have a rare form of diabetes (only one in the UK) and raise many thousands for charity every year and if they wanted to do something on that then I would be interested.  I'm not holding my breath for the reply.

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