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Hi everyone

Started by YB DAX, 17, December, 2010, 01:18:02 PM

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Hi all,
im tom, i work for subaru as a mechanic in bristol an own a dax rush cosworth i have had for a couple of years now,

my friend footy found this site and im glad i have found a local group to join now,

the car is off the road for the winter as im doing some upgrades but im looking foreward to getting back out in the summer,

hope to meet up soon, noticed there may be a meet on sunday so may pop down in my subaru unless my dad lets me borrow one of his toys for the day,  ;D

regards,  Tom

'The Gaffer'

Hi Tom and a warm welcome to our club.

Look forward to seeing you and your car at a meet or event in the future, please feel free to post up a couple of pics.


Daley Down Under

Hi Tom,

Another welcome - this time from me.  Catch up in the Spring


'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome Tom, sounds like a quick car your Dax 

xr2 stu

you got round to signing up than mate lol


Hi Tom welcome to the club.  Cu when the sun shines :P


David H


Hi Tom,
             Welcome to the best club in the UK.

                                         Denzle.   ;)



Hi Tom,

Welcome to the nut shop :D

Bulldog Bri

Excelent, another Dax Rush... Fantastic cars. Welcome to the club Tom. :D


Hairy Santa

Welcome Tom,

Look forward to seeing you and the car at one of the meets



Thanks for the warm welcome,

wil try and get myself set up on photo bucket so i can post some pictures up,
ive got some nice progress threads ive done on upgrades and improvements that i would like to share,

hope to see you all soon,

regards, Tom

xr2 stu

Quote from: YB DAX on 08, January, 2011, 09:15:08 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome,

wil try and get myself set up on photo bucket so i can post some pictures up,
ive got some nice progress threads ive done on upgrades and improvements that i would like to share,

hope to see you all soon,

regards, Tom
here's a pic of the car mate jus so they can see what it look's like


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