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New here and would like some feed back please

Started by phil@PAint, 15, September, 2011, 02:50:26 PM

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First off a thank you to the admin for allowing me to post this here

the reason for my post is im looking to startup a bodyshop in bristol area. working on all types of cars , im wanting to do more the cosmetics side and custom/ special effect repaints. I can do replacment bolt on panels , but not looking to heavy accident damage for now .

SO at moment gauging interest.

im currently doing a business plan and doing some market research for my plan . I dont have business yet but hope to soon. If i cant get enough funding i intend to start smaller scale with smart repairs and paint correction type work

Any way a bit about my self.
My name is Phil and i have a NVQ lvl3 paint and paint refinishing . i have worked in motor trade for over 15 years and have done valeting, dewaxing and window etching too.
I have worked at main dealers and independant shops as well as import docks.

i would like to offer my services to you guys here . I understand some may not need it . but was think people who may be in a build at moment and whom would like to paint thier own car but dont have the workspace or equipment . You can rent space and equipment from me and have advice and guidance.
Or i could just do it for you with you involved or not.
I like to work to high standard and would rather rework any issues then let job leave and try and get away with it.

As the admin person pointed out the panels would already have gel coat so may not be of use to those who happy with that as a finish.

Im not looking for what i would normally charge to paint a car (£1500+), as most kit cars seem to have less bodywork area then a normal car. But a lot depends on products used again i can help with choices .As for prices i would have to see the car first but as i dont have business yet thats getting bit ahead of self.

some pics of my car when i repainted it few years ago now .sadly SORN now although i drive another one .

Also i would like to build my own kit car , a Lister Bell Stratos with a Alfa v6 or Fiat 20v engine is high on my list one day a bit out my budget for now.

Any way any feedback or interest in services/work would be great .

cheers , Phil


Hello and welcome Phil :)

I'm sure you will get plenty of business, especially if you are competitive. I am just about to start my own painting (done plenty with rattle cans, but first time with a spray gun :o). I will keep my ears open for any of my colleagues/friends and put them in touch with you if it takes off.

Pretty impressed with the quality of the paint job in the piccies too ;)



Thanks John (sorry i got your name wrong dont know where i got hidden from)

as youve learnt with your painting its all in the prep , with reguards to going to spray gun you will find much better control be able to adjust air pressure and fulid control fan patern. just take your time praticing dont try to bury item first coat follow flash times/ recoat times etc. its easier to add more then take away rule kind of applies.

if you need any advice just ask.


Hi there.   My son owns a body shop......"Reef Paintshop".    Specialises in customising, fancy finishes, customising and fiberglass cars.    He's at Southwick by Trowbridge.



I'd certainly be interested in chatting, the gel coat is cracking a little and once I've filled numerous holes in the bodywork I'll be considering a new paint scheme.

Hairy Santa


when you say in the bristol area, do you actually have anything set up at the moment or is this in the future

have you done much on GRP bodied cars

would prob pay you to come to a couple of the meets and have a chat with a few of the lads

wish you well with your venture   


good to hear , yes there is a few custom shops i know of in SW never heard of reef paintshop though.

i would be happy to speak with you on any work that you may need

Hairy Santa
I live in Bristol and will be based in Bristol once im setup.

yes i plan on coming to a meet .

No i have never painted a GRP car as a whole job , but have worked with fibre glass before some Alfa bonnets and Peugot tailgates are fibreglass for exmaple. Also different types of plastics such as the VW spoilers which need preping differently to say ABS spoilers.
Have done those silly bumpers/bodykits you find on Saxo etc and its very poor quailty fibreglass lots of pins holes and uneven laying of the fibreglass.

I would imagine that the kit car bodies are a higher quailty of fibreglass. I belive the biggest issues are traped water and heat build up .
Any sanding would be done dry so not to get water trapped within the fibreglass , check for pin holes and fill as needed . 2k primer will be fine on fibreglass.
and just taking care when baking(low heat) so as not to build up to much heat on panel its self and warp it.

again this is research at moment , no one here has to use me


Doing a high quality finish on fibreglass is not easy what with gel-coat problems and pinholing which aren't apparent to the eye.  The application of to extreme temperatures in the heated booth can also cause problems.   

I saw a Lotus Elan Sprint in three colours that was done at my son's bodyshop which was mint but he had to redo a lot of the owners "preparation" as it was inadequate for the result he wanted to achieve.



Tony i totally agree with what you are saying and have touched a little on same issues on last post.

My knowledge and experience of paint fibreglass is

The reason i would do any sanding dry is due to pinholes , which may lead to trapped water which could cause moisture problems once painted or even delamination of fibreglass or paint in extreme cases. As fibre glass can be damaged by water and sun depending on type of resin used . which is why idealy should be coated and back of panel should be coated with a coating too. This would also depend on quailty of construction and materials used .

Heat is a problem with any type of plastic product easy to warp/misshape a bumper etc if its not rigid , although i have baked GRP bumpers at normal baking heat with no issue before. Not some thing i would chose to do myself but in busy insurance bodyshop some times you have to.  I would idealy air dry any fibreglass product or use a low heat if baked

You can cure/bake fibreglass at low heat to help open up the pinholes air pockets before painting , again you need to look over whole panel . a light source behind may help to highlite any weak areas in the panel .

I have painted carbon fibre and kevlar in past too not often but have done few jobs.

The VW spoilers i said about are made by MS Design and are very porous and if painted would bubble while baked . You use a putty which you rub all over part and wipe off excess before painting to fill the pinholes which the eye cant see.

I have repaired a few fibreglass bodykit too , such as small chips in corners of side skirt/gel coat flaking etc which lead to making hole bigger due to surrounding area being weakened by damage.

I am by no means a GRP extpert or specalist.


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