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Hello BKCC

Started by basher!, 03, February, 2012, 11:04:02 PM

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Hi all
I've just signed up to your forum after visiting the website for the first time.
I'm a member of Apple County Kit Car Club in South Somerset which is where I saw a post on the forum about the geo session at track developments BKCC are arranging.
I own a Sylva Mojo running 1800 zetec on carbs. I think it might benefit from a geo check so hope to get in on the session if there's a space.
Just waiting for some warmer weather now!

'The Gaffer'

Hi Ash and a warm welcome to our club.

Hope to see you at a meet or event soon, or at least when things warm up a bit :)


Hi Ash, nice of you to join our forum.    Where are you from.....local??



Welcome along Ash.. I too need that geo set-up but only after I have found a different set of wheels for my MK.. As for waiting for that warmer weather!!!!
Just pop on an extra layer or two  ;D Call your self a man do you  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Mind you it is a little cold this weekend for a blast  :)


Welcome to the club Ash.
I was there all day friday getting the westy set up. Never driven it in -6 degree's before but I was glad I got it done.
I was well impressed with what was done & Dave does go through with you step by step what he's doing & why. I learnt alot & just need to put it into practice now. :D


Hi and welcome to the club :)


David H

Bulldog Bri

Hiya and welcome to the club


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