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Hiya all

Started by jockb01, 27, February, 2013, 07:19:55 PM

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Newbie Jock here (aka John ).  I live in Bath.  Have ordered a kit but not yet collected.  It's called an RT3 and is based on a 1953 Triumph TR3, so I suppose it's a replica.  Originally the kit was based on old Ford gear.  My one is taking a bit longer at factory whilst they design in MX5 running gear, and also to make it fit my 6' 4" frame.  I have been up to the Vindicator factory in Stourbridge a few times now for "fittings" so I'm content now that at least I can get into the chassis comfortably.  Hopefully the added image of the demonstrator will give you an idea of the finished article; that's not me driving by the way.  I'm sure that I will require assistance during the build and am equally able to provide assistance to those living in the Bath locale.  In that vein; if anyone can provide details of cheap car trailer hire, I would be grateful.

Regards Jock


Hi and welcome, that's a lovely looking little car!

I'm not likely to be able to help as I've not got a clue about most of this but I'm a keen learner so will watch your build with interest! You should try to come along to a meet and say hello - even if its in a tiptop.


Hi Jock and welcome to the site.

That's a great looking car.  Looking forward to following your build.  I'm sure you'll get any required assistance from the club.


Hello and welcome Jock ;D

Nice looking demo car - look forward to seeing yours progress.


Hello and welcome to the club. Nice looking car that, be good to see how yours turns out :D

Don't forget, there is usually someone on here that will have an answer to a question, or know someone who does :)



Welcome along Jock, you are just down the road from me (Rudloe), I like the frogeye look on the front end.. Is it a complete kit you have purchased that just ( I say just  :D) needs bolting together....

Daley Down Under

Welcome Jock,

As the others say - good looking kit.  I used to be local.


Bulldog Bri

Hiya and welcome. Very tidy little car. Good luck with your build.



Welcome John.
Look forward to seeing it progress. Like everyone has said you should get loads of help here.
As for the car trailor not many of us hire them, we either have our own or borrow one from a member happy to help.
If you know when you need one put a request on here & if the guys aint using theirs at the time you need it then they are normally happy to lend them out.  :)

'The Gaffer'

Hi John and a warm welcome to our club. As others have said, keep us posted on your build.


Hi John, welcome to the club, nice to see something a bit different, not keen on the modern alloys, would look loads better on classic wire wheels.  Hope the delivery of your car isn't too long to wait.


Hi All

Many thanks for your kind replies.  Unfortunately since then not much to report.  I have been advised that Vindicator have sourced proper mounts for the engine/transmission components and not much else.  I have been promised an update next week, so keep watching this space; if this is indeed the space I'm supposed to report progress in.  I'll need advice on that.
Regards John Brown

'The Gaffer'

Please feel free to start another thread with your build progress. Hope all goes well.


If your looking for a trailer there is a company in chippenham who trailers for £45 a day the advertise with a custom mini parked on Bristol road.

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