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Hi everyone

Started by Jasperpilchards, 09, March, 2013, 06:58:40 PM

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Hi peeps rob m here new to forum and the kit car world in general!
Last year I was looking to build a Dax rush over about 3 years but just as I was going to order the first stage of the kit a gorgeous 5 year old Daxmc presented itself on eBay!
Even though I really fancy building one I thought we'll I take little look can't hurt can it??   ;D  so with trusted friend in tow (to help in keeping my wallet in pocket!) of we trooped to the top side of London.
On arriving we spyed the rush outside on the drive. Tapping on the door the seller arrived  Light was disappearing fast plus there were rain rain clouds baring down on us. And to top it all off the battery was flat! Everything was screaming just walk away rob just walk away!
But hey we'd driven a long way so at least I was gunna have a ride! And that's when it all changed!
We jumped the battery and up she fired! And off we went. And what a absolute animal! Even the needle piercing pain of the rain couldn't wipe the beaming smile from my chops!  From that moment on it was always gong to be mine! Yes I tried to tell myself ill go home and think about it, I even tried to offer a price so he'd say no but he didn't...I told my self the insurance & tax would kill it but it was that cheap I even asked them to check it again and even then I didn't believe them!  It was just ment to be (well that's what I told my partner lol) I was back within 2 days with a trailer and haven't regretted the decision once! I still plan to build one from scratch in a couple of years but for now I'm just happy to enjoy someone else's hard work.
Wow didn't really intend to write all that! Lol

Happy driving
Rob m 8)


Hi Rob and welcome to the club.

Yes, 7's are addictive ...... there's nothing like it..... like driving a noisy roller skate! lol ;) ;)



Yep, just waiting now for the finer weather prob try and get rolling again April/may if nice enough.
Nice hood by the way you must spend every waking hour with a bottle of polish and a duster! I've still a way to go before I can get a shine like that


Welcome rob. Nice looking Dax.
I did something very similar nearly two years ago & it was the best thing I ever did. Like Tony said they are very addictive.   :)
Are you from the Bristol area or somewhere close by?
We have plenty of events, car shows & trackdays coming up this year so hope to see your dax pretty soon.
You will find us a helpful & friendly bunch always willing to help out or point you in the right direction if you need it.  ;D


Welcome to the BEC club mate. Looks very nice and its a 1400cc  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


Welcome to the madhouse Rob :)

Nice looking car, and I'm loving the lights, something I would like to change on mine maybe eventually (along with 100 other things!).

My car was scratch built and took me 7 years from the first weld to registration, and I would not go through it again!! Building from a Kit or from scratch is a great acheivement, but the IVA, redtape and challenges that go with it are a real PITA!. Having said that, I'm glad I did it once. Not trying to put you off, but if you do build, make sure you keep your runner too if you can so you can keep a grin on your face ;)



Thanks everyone ill pass your comments on to th builder if I see him lol the lights look good JB but could be brighter and not much difference between dip and main.. One nice touch that mine has which you can't really see is the side lights... The lights that u can see don't have a side light option with them so he recessed white lED's in the front edge of the mud guards and it looks really sharp and really shows the car off nicely. Would  deffo recommend that mod plus led's last ages so no blown bulbs!
I live in a village  between Glastonbury and wells called Godney so anything between 5mins and 45mins from Bristol depending on traffic and how well works gone  ;) haha


Oh and full pint I'm thinking you worked out the engine size from the ram air on the bonnet? Either that or you know the car :-)
For anyone else tho its a 1400 Kawasaki zzr a complete animal if u choose to let it off the leash that said I was really suprised at how easy and tame it is to drive slowly so if m honest spend most of my time just cruising around the 40 mark ...that said when the road does open out..... Well it would be rude not to stretch its legs  :D


Mines just a little 919 blade lump and like yours it can be an animal.. 1400cc must be a great blast tho.
Hairy Santa on here has a Busa Dax and its putting out a lot of bhp, sure its a turbo as well. If only I had the dosh to buy it!!


Yep they are expensive as everyone wants them. I was looking for a busa engine for my build but the cost was emence. The zzr is as close as u can get to it and engines are quite a bit cheaper to locate. Mine came from a wrecked bike with only 500 miles on it so even now it's low mileage got lucky there. Only niggle I do have is the speedo is out by about 50% and reads faster than actual speed. Brilliant when I take my 6yr old nephew out lol but needs sorting. I've bought a speedo healer but having trouble locating the correct plug as non seen to fit the mod loom so gunna have to ring them and see if they can talk. Me through it.
Also smacked the sump lug out last summer! Luckily I spotted the drop in oil pressure and stopped before wrecking the engine!
I bet yours is still quick as hell! Be good to see it soon


I had a problem with my speedo last year! After it was MOT'd!!!
Not sure if yours is the same but I had magnetic pick up's on the rear diff. Turns out the MOT chap knocked the sensor so it was only picking up on the one magnet and not two so mine was 50% the other way!! May be your is picking up the signal twice every time the drive shaft rotates?


The guy that built it said the magnets or the part that  sees the magnet kept falling off so he did a mod and its not as accurate so when I get a chance ill take a look

'The Gaffer'

Hi Rob and a warm welcome to are club.

Agreed, BEC's are great fun. Do you have reverse?


Yep I have reverse don't think I'd want a car without that although I think but I maybe wrong don't all cars have to have a reverse gear to be road legal?


Not mine  ;D
I just get out and push or if the road is nice and wide and clear then its build up the revs dump the clutch full lock and away you go  :D :D :D :D..
Ideally tho when no ones around because the odd time you can look a bit of a pratt  :-[ :-[ :-[


Haha yep then there's that little voice in the back of your head that says "right if I stall it I'm gunna look like a right cock!" Lol
Nearly as bad as parking up on the sea front with a crowd admiring, walking up to it in a "oh yes it is cool and yes it is mine sort of way"  slipping into the seat, going through the pre flight checks. Harness glasses ect everyone just waiting for the fire up and you press the button and.......... Nothing! Then it's the sweaty palms and the walk of shame to the bonnet catches haha

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