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Newbie from Bristol... and Reading!

Started by Badger, 29, August, 2013, 09:22:17 PM

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 Hi guys, as you can see from my post count I am new to these forums. I mostly hail from around south Bristol, but seeing as I work in Reading at the moment that's where I'm spending my weekdays!
My current project is a Haynes Roadster which I bought last Friday as an unfinished (rolling) project, and am currently in the process of stripping to give it a good inspection. The plan is to reinforce and modify the chassis from it's current state, and fit it out with a BMW M52B28 straight six that I've had lying around for a while.
For the moment as a fun car I am "making do" with a Mk2 MX5 that I brought as a donor- a role for which it is no longer needed! It is rather low, rather loud, but very, very fun!

Of course in the back of my mind is the nagging thought that I could fit the straight six to the MX5 and use the Lexus V8 in the Roadster, but the less said about that the better I feel   ;D


Welcome to the club. I will look forward to seeing it progress mate.
Got any picture of it?  :)


I do! They are all safely on a USB stick. Unfortunately that USB stick is safely back in Bristol... and I'm in Reading until tomorrow!


Welcome along Badger.. Looking forward 8) to seeing your pics.


Welcome to the club chap :)

And keep your head down, there's a Badger cull on at the minute you know ;)

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club. Look forward to the pics.

Bulldog Bri

Helloooooo  ;D Welcome to the club.

That's gonna be one quick car when it's done. Good luck with the project. Looking forward to lots of pic's of the build.  ::)


garry h

Hello Badger from one newbie to another welcome to the club look forward to seeing some pics of car   ;) ;)


Hi Badger,


It sounds like a great project.  Its great to be spoilt by choice and clearly you are a good time manager!


Hi Badger, If the engine fits, fit it, bigger the better.

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