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My Car - A Furore

Started by Furore Phil, 26, April, 2009, 10:10:15 PM

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Furore Phil

Hi, I'm Phil from Calne. Lost is about to start so I'll keep it short and sweet...

I'm building a Furore, which most people won't have heard of. There are two in existance, the first prototype ans the second prototype... There are two other chassis out there I think. Basically put it's a two seater (passenger behind driver) F1 replica. It's MR2 based. See :


Photo's to be posted soon.

Oh, does anyone know of a good place to get a Mk1 MR2, or drivetrain bits ? I've had a look on e-bay, but there's not much out there at the moment.

'The Gaffer'


Wow, that is one hell of a car you are building.

Phil, I have placed your pic in the user albums rather than the album thread, just contact me if you need me to post more and need help. Keep em comming!!!

As far as parts, I guess the internet is the place to go. There are a lot of off the shelf breakers now who do all the dirty work taking off parts. You just check stock, if they have what you want its shipped to you straight away.

Good luck and keep us up to date  :)


It will be amazing to drive that on the road, good luck with the build.

Can you post some pics?


just got round to having a look, you are not going to go unnoticed in that !

Best of luck with it !

Bulldog Bri

Hey, maybe get it down to Monte Carlo before next years GP and get a lap of the course in, how good would that be!

'The Gaffer'

Its gone a bit quiet on the Furore front.

Hows it going Phil?

Good result on the GP today  ;D


Fantastic looking kit - What alot of fun that will be.

Furore Phil

How to paint suspension parts...

Oh, you may spot a neat way to save money - make your bench out of a kitchen worktop off cut !

Trial fitting the sides.

Bulldog Bri

Where!!! does the passenger put their legs and feet??? that rearseat looks very close behind the driver  :o


Speedy J

Could I see myself in one of these :o :-\

Love to see it when its finished though

Furore Phil

There is plenty of room for the pasenger. I'm 5 10 and I fit in both seats ok. Russ - the guy who designed the car, drove to Lemans with a passenger. Apparently the passenger fell asleep on the way !

There is no wall as such between the seats, so the passenger can get their feet by the drivers side. Its about the same kind of room you get in a normal car.

The car it's self will be the same size as my Peugeot 306 when it's finished. I had to measure the garage to check it would fit ok.

When it's done, I promise to attend some meetings ! Don't want to come along at the moment, as I get jealous of all you lucky guys with finished cars.

'The Gaffer'

You are welcome anytime Phil.

Once you have built the car, it will be another intresting addition to the club.


Excellent, some progress, was hoping you were progressing.

Fell asleep with those engines,  likely to have had ear plugs and a helmet on then !

Come along, I do, don't want to tell them those of us building get jealous, ssssshhhh  ;)

Besides, I think everyone is jealous of your kit !!!

Bulldog Bri

Here's one for you Phil, togive you some further inspiration for your build.


I know the commentary in German but the car looks good  ;D



Nice job Phil :)

Where abouts in Calne are you? I live near Brinkworth so not too far away. Might be good to car share to meets??


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: bulldog bri on 23, October, 2009, 02:09:55 PM
Here's one for you Phil, togive you some further inspiration for your build.


I know the commentary in German but the car looks good  ;D


Lieben Sie die Weise, welche die Scheinwerfer heraus knallen :)

Bulldog Bri

Lieben Sie die Weise, welche die Scheinwerfer heraus knallen :)

Dear you the manner which the floodlights crack out??? eh?


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: bulldog bri on 23, October, 2009, 09:33:12 PM

Dear you the manner which the floodlights crack out??? eh?


Something like that :D :D They do look cool 8)

Furore Phil

Hey wow ! thanks. That does look cool !

Might have to steal his pop up lamps though. Are they allowed in SVA / IVA ? you don't see them on new cars any more.

Currently waiting for a parcel (hah !) that should contain the rear hubs and steering column, they needed specalist engineering changes. Once they arrive I'll be able to get it on it wheels, do the body work, the engine....

(Google translates it as : Do you love the way that pop the headlight out)

Furore Phil

Quote from: YellaBelly on 23, October, 2009, 04:08:06 PM
Nice job Phil :)

Where abouts in Calne are you? I live near Brinkworth so not too far away. Might be good to car share to meets??


Hi, I'm in the new bit of town to the North - lansdowne park. I'd be happy to go with you to meets, as soon as the car is finished! I've done a lot of the fiddly boring bits (riviting panels, electrics etc), but still a long way to go !

I havn't posted any new pics for a while, as what I have done since that one was taken won't show up. When I get the rear hubs back and get them on the car I'll post a pic of them.

Anyone like to see what happend the the MR2 donor ? large chunks have gone. Oh, and I now don't feel to bad about trashing it. I was removing one of the front hubs when my thumb went through the main chassis rail ! a very bad case of metal worm. I have found a rew other bad patches as well. Looks like moisture got in at thr front of the car and traveld down inside the chasios/body and rotted it from inside out. Would of cost a fortune to repair, if it could be done at all.


'The Gaffer'

Sounds like you got what you needed Phil. I would have felt sorry for someone who bought to repair.

Look forward to seeing your pics.

bogwoppit racing

hi i looked at one of these about 18 months ago and went out in the red twin motorbike engined one ,i was really tempted but then the kit i am building now came up so shelved that idea but i would love to see more of these on the road . good luck with your build   dean

Furore Phil

Pics have been added to my gallery ! - just some of the donor  :( nothing exciting on the car yet.

There are a few of us building these now ! Well, there are 6 of us on the mailing list

Furore Phil

Hubs and steering column have arrived ! soon be a rolling chassis !

Pics to be posted in gallery when done. Watch our Sunday evening...

Furore Phil

The big day has arrived ! Suspension done, wheels are on, time to drop it on it's wheels....

Now how do you actually get a car off two small tables....

Back wheels first..

Front wheels down !

Houston - the eagle has landed !

Oddly, the wife didn't have to ask me to smile !

Wow - s'a bit close to the ground.

Ok, only about two thousand more jobs to go...

Bulldog Bri

Looking good there Phi, nice to see some pic's of your progress  :)



Great job Phil!  Always a good feeling when it's rolling, starting to look like a race car, how about a picture with the wife in the back seat?

'The Gaffer'

Great work there Phil and nice pics too.

A great achievement getting the car on 4 wheels, well done that man :)


Nice one Phil :)

Wonder what your lap times are gonna be? :D

Bulldog Bri

BTW. How did you get it off the tables?  ;D


'Mendip Wurzel'

Great effort, just brillaint and am looking forward to seeing the final product.
Could be fun trying to get it out of the garage


Some really good progress there, well done !

Looking forward to seeing it drive into a carpark or slowly in a convoy.


Congratulation on getting it on its wheel.
Keep up the good work, as you will find there is still a long way to go.
But its all fun ;D



Unfortunatly, '90% of the project takes 90% of the time, the other 10% also takes 90% of the time!

Furore Phil

Thanks for the comments guys  ;D

How did I get it off the tables ? err very, very carefully. I used a trolley jack with a couple of 2"x2" wood beams to first lower the front down a bit it, then lower the back a bit (onto axel stands) then lower the front to the floor and then finally to the back again ! all done slowly to make sure nothing falls over.

It will be quick, but not all that quick. It should be about half the weight of the original MR2, so that will help. I'm aiming for a daily comute (yeah - i'm mad I know) so it'll only have a light tune up.

unfortunately - or not depending on your point of view - the wife doesn't fit in the car, so she can't fit in the back or drive it either, shame.


Hi, how are you getting on phil ? its been a while :D


Furore Phil

Forgot about this thread - started posting in another !

For the last couple of weekends I've been working on the side pods & rear bodywork. Well the left hand side pod is on ! well almost. Its attached at the top and after much panel beating I finally got the alloy base fitted this afternoon ! All I need to do to it now is to attach the base of the pod to the base of the GRP.

What I'm planning on doing is to use some large flat washer like nuts that I removed from the donor. They were originally used in the MR2 to attach the glass to the winder mechanism. The GRP bit of the pod will be removable, so I can get to the petrol tank on one side and the radiator on the other.

Furore Phil


Nice job Phil, I went for lightness and ease of removal with mine:

Yours look a strong enough to use as cargo pods, I hear reports of cases of wine carried in them after trips across the Channel.

Keep up the good work, on the road this summer? ;D

Furore Phil

My original plan was to get it on the road last summer  :( but time, lack of donor and lack of funds has been against me.

Still loads to do and tuns to spend ! Hopefully next summer ?

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