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Wanted:- Overdrive gearbox

Started by Bulldog Bri, 10, May, 2009, 12:27:53 PM

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Bulldog Bri

I'm looking for an Overdrive gearbox from a Triumph Dolomite 1850, I think they may have been fitted to the GT6, Spitfire and even the TR7. Known as the 'J' Type (I think)  8)

Bulldog Bri

Many thanks for this site link. I will keep checking on there to see if one turns up. I have seen a couple on ebay, but have been to far away  :'(

cheers 8)


If there is one down Basingstoke / Fleet way I go that way reasonably often so could pick it up if that helps.

Bulldog Bri

Hey great, thanks for the offer..

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