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New Aberdeen member!

Started by van cleef, 16, December, 2010, 08:29:36 PM

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van cleef

Hi everyone

Was surfing looking for a descent kit car forum so here i am.

I live just north of Aberdeen and have just sold my old minter 91 309 gti which i was going to track to leave a nice cozy spot for some sort of 7 styled kit car in the new year.
I was origionaly thinking along the line's of a Toniq-r to begin with but with Leugo just 5 minute's from here i'm considering one of there car's.I would love the Toniq but i'm still undecided for the exact need's i need it for if it be a country blaster with the odd track day thrown in there every now and again .I would be looking at something already built/second hand.
I already own a Renault sport Megane and a VW Caddy for work so the kit car would be a pure toy ,as though it would be anything else.Any advice would be well appreciated and it seem's by looking around i'm in the right place.

van cleef

'The Gaffer'

Hi Van Cleef and a warm welcome to the club.

Hairy Santa has my old Toniq R for sale, drop him a PM. There is a fair bit of info about it on the forum and a lot of work was done on it last winter. See this thread for starters, It really is a great fun car.

EDIT: Sorry forgot the link http://bristolkitcarclub.co.uk/smf2/index.php?topic=873.0

Shame you are a little far for a meet or two :)

Bulldog Bri

A warm welcome to the club Van.


Daley Down Under

Welcome to the club - I get up to Aberdeen with work on a regular basis (just not with the car).  You've got loads of choice on the Seven theme.  What about MK Indy or Mac#1 Worx or Westfield Megablade?  Dont forget bike engine power - fantastic option and stills works well on the road.  Cant go wrong with 918cc Fireblade on carbs as fitted to G&Toniqs ex Toniq (bullet proof)


van cleef

thanks for the warm welcome.

I have been trying to decide over the last few month's what to get.I absoloutley love the Toniq but was'nt sure what it would be like to drive without a proper window screen, do you have to constantly have to wear a crash helmet? as i would like to take the missus out for a spirited drive every now and again and can't imagine she would enjoy wearing a crash helmet .Then there has been a Leugo velocity xt for sale not to far from me with a 195 bhp XE which sound's fun and a little easier to live with.
I intend not to spend much more than 7k if i can help it

I know there are so much to choose from , just wish i was closer to some of you lot so i could passenger a cheeky lift.

'The Gaffer'

Hi Van Cleef.

When I owned the Toniq I hardly wore a helmet unless on longer motorway drives. A beanie hat and a good pair of smash proof goggles is all I used. The aeroscreen does a great job of shifting air upwards and over.

I have noticed that cars with windscreens buffet you more with wind from the sides unless you have side screens or deflectors.

The Toniq is a great head turner and as adrian says the fireblade is practically bullet proof.

Believe me, your wife will get a thrill in a bike engined car. The car is very easy to live with on the road, I could easily drive it at 30 in high gears, drop a couple of cogs though and the car will take off :)

Having no reverse is not really a problem, its so light you can push it with one hand.

What you really need to think about is what do you want the car for...

If its for occaisonal thrills and excitment and trackdays then I would go bike engine.
If its for more laid back road driving and touring then I would go car engine. (They still go fast dependant on engine, just in a different way)

Good luck.

van cleef

Thank's again

Look's like i might be looking into a Toniq after all but i would love to see one in the flesh as you say it must be a complete head turner. So i need to get myself together and start conteplating what i definatley want to do but it's looking quite likely to be a bike engined car.


Its a good time to by your car in the next couple of months, prices are on the floor and nothing is selling.  If it was me I would decide what I really want and put in a silly offer.....nothing to loose! ;)



Hello Van,
                   Welcome to the best club in the UK, and hope you find the wheels you want.

                                               Denzle.   ;)


Hi and welcome to the club chap :)


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