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A quick Hello

Started by Richardp, 19, July, 2011, 06:54:33 PM

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Hi everyone just a quick intro....


I'm Richard and from Weston s Mud.

I've been a car hobbiest for  a number of years, and have had a reasonably well equipped workshop (shared with a number of friends) for a few years now.

Ive been involved in a few projects, recently fitting a mk3 golf GTI engine into a T25 transporter. I would say I did 25% of the mechanical work, mostly finishing off the engine, and snagging little leaks, and imperfections. However I did 95% of the electrical work, creating a loom, so as to meld the T25 wiring to the more modern golf fuel injection system, as well as keeping all the dash sensors connected. Previous projects where the restoration of the above van from a rusty heap, and a mk2 golf. I've also tuned several hundred Volvo 480 turbo engines to various levels. I created a dual charger supercharger and turbo 1.7 engine (Volvo 480) that should be capable of running 3 bar of boost, and produce somewhere in the 350+ bhp range, while having a reasonably smooth torque curve, and wide power-band.

The workshop is as said reasonably well equip, with all the usual tools you would expect. As well as a growing list of home made specialist tools (on the basis of if you don't have one, make it). As well as a medium duty precision mill, horizontal band saw, vertical band saw, tool makers lathe (i.e very small), MIG, and MMA welding sets. I have plans to add a forge, and grinding and polishing wheels, as well as a proper size lathe.

The car is a slightly sad, not well cared for, not particularly well built Robin Hood Exmo. It currently has a modified 2.0 pinto engine, offset ground crank, 1600 diesel con rods, 300deg fast road cam, and bike carbs. Sadly it was not ever set up correctly, and the previous owner tried bolting on extra bits (i.e bike carbs) in order to fix the performance. Having obtained the fitting instructions from the cam manufacturer, and set things up, it's at least drivable. Though it needs some time spent fine tuning the carbs, and cam timing. Ive spent some time sorting out silly little issues, such as the distributor being worn out, and front suspension not having been assembled correctly. I have yet to have the car on a rolling road, but it should make around 140-160bhp, and is quite fun to drive, but a little pedestrian.

Hello everyone, looking forward to joining in here :)



    Hi Richard and welcome to our little.....no,  getting bigger by the week club.

   Interested to hear about your Robin Hood......you say it's "pedestrian" with 140-160 bhp, can't make that out.  My Hood has a relitively standard Pinto 2.0 but it still pulls over 90 mph in 3rd at about 6,300 r.p.m.    Yours should fly....... ;)




Thanks for the welcome, Ive put a few pictures below. These are mostly odds and ends I've done to the car, such as making the exhaust manifold, and cleaning up the wheels, and polishing. I also fitted the new set of guages, I have yet to finish that off, concentrating on getting an MOT instead.

As for performance, it's hard to measure, but I tried to get 0-60 and it's almost certainly less than 6 seconds.  It's certainly fun to drive, but im not pushing it too hard until sorting out the suspension geometry.

Thinking about it I took a friend out for the first real drive, on the mendips, and it took us both about an hour to stop shaking, so it isn't that bad. 

'The Gaffer'

Hi Richard and a warm welcome to our club :)

Great pics and intro, look forward to catching up soon.

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