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Anyone had Snow today?

Started by fullpint, 04, November, 2012, 12:29:33 PM

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We did. Has a good few inches far after heavy rain. Happened around 9ish. Our weather is great. None forecast yet roads were blocked  ;D ;D ;D
I'm sure they will blame that 'jet-stream' again  :D

Bulldog Bri

Just heavy Sleet over here, ground was to wet for it to settle. Though did find I had left my side door on my Bulldog un clipped on so a fair bit got in :(  Will be nice to get the cars in the garage properly when I've finished all this building work.


Hairy Santa

time to put snowplough back on me thinks  ;)


Yep! We had around 3" in about 1hr :o :o

Nice suprise the first day back in the UK after 30deg in sunny Delhi :( Talk about "welcome home"  :'(

Daley Down Under


Famous last words........:D :D :D Stranger things have happened Adrian ;)



None in Trowbridge either just lots of rain ain't the British weather just freeaky ?

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