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Willaims Grand Prix Collection & Tour

Started by Moleman, 03, December, 2013, 09:05:14 PM

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I have 6 people that would still like to go without the factory visit, What about the rest of you guys? I don't mind if your not as it ain't cheap, can you just let me know please?
thanks Colin.  :)


Hi there strike my name as it's a bit pricy without factory visit
Thanks for trying



No probs  Stu, thanks for letting me know.  :)

ok. without the factory visit we have= 1 Moleman + 1
                                                         2 Almondburyhills
                                                         3 Sumov8
                                                         4 Iancider  +1

                                                         5 Gaffer (maybe)
Are the rest of you guys still up for it without the factory visit? I don't mind if not? 
                                                         6 Grin-a-lot ?
                                                         7 Cobra68?
                                                         8 Camber dave?
                                                         9 Bluehornetrider?
   please let me know thanks.  :)

'The Gaffer'

I am still in to make the numbers up but it looks like we are struggling to get the req minimum.


Still waiting for some replies Phil but it's not looking good.  :)



ok. without the factory visit we have= 1 Moleman + 1
                                                         2 Almondburyhills
                                                         3 Sumov8
                                                         4 Iancider  +1

                                                         5 Gaffer (maybe)
Are the rest of you guys still up for it without the factory visit? I don't mind if not? 
                                                         6 Grin-a-lot ?
                                                         7 Cobra68?
                                                         8 Camber dave?
                                                         9 Bluehornetrider?

Still waiting for some replies if you guys would like to do this without factory visit? ::)

   Please let me know thanks. 


Hi sorry should of replied earlier, not so interested without the factory tour so please count me out. Cheers Tony


ok, thanks for letting me know cob68.  :)

ok. without the factory visit we have= 1 Moleman + 1
                                                         2 Almondburyhills
                                                         3 Sumov8
                                                         4 Iancider  +1

                                                         5 Gaffer (maybe)
Are the rest of you guys still up for it without the factory visit? I don't mind if not? 
                                                         6 Grin-a-lot ?
                                                         7 Camber dave?
                                                         8 Bluehornetrider?

Still waiting for some replies if you guys would like to do this without factory visit?


I will give this one until the end of the week, then after that I will call it a day unless I get more interest!

Sorry to the guys that would still like to go but I can't blame people for not being interested without the factory visit. :)

It is nearly £40 just to go around the museum & trophy room. ???

Sorry guys as I need at least 10 people for this.  :)


Sorry guys there is just not enough interest on this one to be able to book it. :(

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