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Castle Combe Track day instead of Kit Fest

Started by Moleman, 24, June, 2014, 09:43:47 PM

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This is short Notice but I really need to know straight away!

A friend has booked Castle Combe on the 19th July & is hoping to get for about 30 cars on a open pit for hopefully £160 (depending on turnout) You don't get a cheap track day on a Saturday but some Kit Car Fest ain't happening there now.  ::)
I do Track days with these guys all the time & there will be a wide range of old & new cars with a friendly bunch of guys so don't delay & let me know Now! if your interested.

I can't go due to driving up Snowdonia National Park which you are also welcome to join us now the Kit fest is not on.

steve c

I would be up for this let me know how to enter


Steve I will contact him tomorrow to put your name down.  :)

Any one else?


I may be interested in doing this track day, is there still space available and who should I contact?


I will ring him & find out for you mate & send you the details later tonight if there is space.  :)


Quote from: Moleman on 10, July, 2014, 06:00:18 PM
I will ring him & find out for you mate & send you the details later tonight if there is space.  :)



Sorry Iainl it's fully booked now.  :(

I can get you in on 18th August if you like. It is a Monday but it will be open pit & only 35 cars total for the day. Only £150 for the day  which is good.  8)

If anyone else would like this please let me know ;D

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