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Donington National Kit And Performance Car Show 30 & 31st Aug?

Started by damouk, 25, August, 2014, 08:54:30 AM

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Hi Damouk,

I am definitely going and can do either Saturday or Sunday.  I will go whaterver the weather so this is a certainty - it is just a mtter of how long the convoy would be.  There are some very good roads en-route too.




Hi Ian, I will defiantly go.... if it isn't raining ;D (I think I should put that as my profile quote)

Either day is ok with me, but would lean towards the Sunday if possible as I'm supposed to be out on the sauce Friday night.


I would have gone to this one, but too far and means leaving Rex for too long. Dogs not allowed :(.

Your brave driving the 'storm' , you need special clothing in that  :o

But remember,


Brave or stupid one or the other lol. Cloths only get wet so was thinking more like this...


CC Cyclone

I will be there as we will be driving back from visiting family on Sunday and passing by. Won't be in the cyclone unfortunately.


Sorry, still waiting for the Hood ...... over a month, getting a bit fed up......... ???


I've been the last two years, but can't make this one, sorry.

There's plenty to see and do - the indoor show, racing and auto-testing outside and the Grand Prix Collection is well worth a visit too 8)

Pilgrim Anna

No good for us sorry! Got a girls night out on 29th so will be taking it easy on the 30th and 31st working and family round.


Well it looks like the weather is going to be good over the weekend :D, so roll on Sunday!

If 'anyone' is interested in convoy I'm aiming to set of about 8.30 from Glos.


Two people are going so far. Would anyone else would like to go to this?





I will likely be going in Saturday now but wont know until Friday evening.  If not it will be Sunday.  I will PM you my mobile so that you can call me if you wish.  Saturday is not going to be hot according to the forecast but nor is it going to rain.  Crash Test Dummy will be coming either in his own Westy of travelling as passenger with me.  He is having to have some work done on his car that may or may not finish tomorrow.  Saturday is the favourite day for us both whatever happens.  We also like to take the scenic route and avoid the motorways so we will pass near to you.  We like the route A433 then A419 crossing the Cotswolds a short blip on the M69 and M1 - limiting motorway to just 20 miles.  We could meet at circa 8:30 at the A429/A40 junction or nearby if that suits you.  Please also see my PM.



Watched the racing at Donnington while at the kit car show and caught this! RE-POSTED

Sorry it crashed during upload


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