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Happy Birthday Walnut Friday 3rd

Started by Iancider, 02, October, 2014, 11:02:17 PM

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Happy Birthday Walnut,

70 on Friday or should I say 3 score and ten for somebody of such impressive vintage!  8)

Have good one


Happy 35th mate, (the first lap doesn't count-warm up) :D :D

Daley Down Under

Happy Birthday Tony - have a great day.

Its beer 'o' clock here so I blow the froth off one for you.

Cheers Adrian

Bulldog Bri

Happy birthday mate. Plenty more to come. :-D


Hairy Santa

Happy birthday Tony, you make sure you have a good one mate


Happy Birthday Tony! Hope you have a great day ;)



Happy Birthday Tony. It was a lovely day for a drive today as well.  8)

garry h

Happy birthday mate hope you had a good one  :) :)


Lucky Ed

Happy Birthday Tony, I hope you've had time for cruise in the sun 8)


Better late than never!! Happy belated birthday mate..  :-* hahaha


Belated Birthday Wishes to my Great Granddad!

As it's the big 7-0 I pushed the boat out this year and bought you twice as much as last year :o


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