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Toyo R888s no longer available??????

Started by Facial Hair Optional, 06, November, 2014, 12:48:46 AM

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Facial Hair Optional

Twice now from 2 different guys I've heard that Toyo R888s are no longer in production, is this true? In was hoping to fit some in the Spring.

In fact one guy even told me that Toyo have stopped production altogether and are no longer making tyres!!! I have brand new Toyo T1Rs on one of my cars (it came with them fitted) as the guy I bought it from said he couldn't get any R888s in his area.

I am finding them just not good enough for a very powerful kit car. If R888s are gone can anyone tell me what else would be as good or close to please? Cheers peeps.


You can get them easily on ebay & Steve Harkness tyres. They average about £105 each.

'The Gaffer'

R888's are still listed on the Toyo UK website.

For the best deal contact Brunel Tyres, their link is at the bottom of each page. Just tell them you are a BKCC member for a discount.

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