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Wow factor!

Started by Iancider, 08, March, 2015, 07:54:17 PM

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Just playing around to see what Google could do.

Try this:  Go to a Google map anywhere.  Click on the Satellite view.  Use you scroll wheel to zoom out and out an out until you see the whole earth.  Click on the surface, move you mouse and rotate the earth and watch the whole of space rotate.  Go right round to the dark side and see all of the cities of the world from space.  Then take a look at this fantastic panorama shot below and just spin around and look at the view - how great is that!,157.090188,3a,75y,192.46h,79.55t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1s3ro4Rjh9-GcAAAQYKJ_QdQ!2e0!3e11


'The Gaffer'


Yep did that and we look alright for tonight, not a Klingon anywhere ;D


Did you spot that you could take tour of the Moon and Mars as well?  so much safer than Apollo 13!

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