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Westfield Wide Bonnet and Seven Seats - Damaged

Started by foggy@smr, 19, August, 2015, 05:30:56 PM

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Started stripping bits off the car ready for refurb / upgrade so first bits,,,

Not sure what any of this is worth or if its fixable so open to offers for all of it.... Please be gentle.  :-[

Bonnet- Post box red (I think). Someone has started to add additional vents and damaged gel coat being too heavy handed...

Seats - Super 7. Were not fitted correctly in the car so back mount broken on one, sides broken and badly repaired and bottom damage on one

Not sure if the seats are salvageable, but hopefully someone may have use of them....

I travel to Bristol Cribbs during the week, so happy to transport and meet anyone there...

More bits to follow......  8)

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