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Started by bobkat, 31, December, 2015, 10:27:27 PM

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Hi first  please excuse  any spelling mistakes  wish every one a good new year  just a few words about myself  been car mad  for most of my life am 73 now but my brain feels 21 ish first  kit car was a lotus super  7  had to sell to buy our first house **** then  bought my first mini  Austin cooper s  mkii  had at one time the complete  set including 998  cooper  a woody  1960  mini ( magic wand) + plus loads more  minis  at one time I had  10 of them ( had an understanding wife)   but no longer have any of them *****  didn,t bother with cars for a bit  then a couple of years ago bought  my second kit car  tiger  cub  2lt  pinto drove it for a time then put it in the garage  coz I bought the kit car of my dreams  2lt  zetec  raffo belva with gull wing doors  loved driving it but a bad back put payed to that amongst  other things (couldn,t get in or out very easy like all the cars I had was very sorry to see it go on selling that spotted a very nice  fisher fury  menace  rear engine 1000cc Honda  fireblade  every thing except  the engine  was brand new although the engine  was low milage thought it would be easy to get in and out of like my tiger can,t see me doing much to it as I now have copd  amongst  other things  also bought a  William  towns  mini based hustler force  6 wheeler with most of the body work (rear is 2 mini subframes  back to back ) it has 7 12inch minilites  1300  cooper engine + it seemed  right at the time I bought a  2lt Vauxhall  red top  and box  and  a special made front mini subframe to  fit it into the hustler if I ever get around to it  or kick the bucket  bought both of these before I  had  breathing problems hope I haven't bored anyone with all of this but thought you would like to know  anyway again happy new year  drive  safely

Facial Hair Optional

73 years young, love it! Welcome Bobcat and a Happy New Year to you also.

Not bored at all, fascinated in fact!!! I love guys like you who know a thing or two, decades of experience and knowledge of cars. Brilliant  :)

I hope I have half the energy you have when I am 73!!!!

A warm welcome from another Tiger Pinto owner, and a Fisher Fury, and a BEC!!! I think you may possibly be the 3rd Raffo owner in the club now? Love the gullwings!!!

CC Cyclone

Hello Bobcat,

Good to hear from you, I think Mr Tone may now have your Belva?
I have one I am rebuilding, and we have jeremy who has posted has the red one too.

I have to say I secretly hanker after a hustler 6 wheeler!


Welcome along Bobkat... We are never to young or old :)


'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club. An interesting selection of motors there 8)

Brandy Barrel

Bobcat, welcome to the friends kit car club.
Happy new year.


Hi & welcome. Hopefully we will see you in one of your cars pretty soon.  8)


hi and thank you to all for your welcome  nice of you all to take time out to write  bob

Bulldog Bri

What a way to start the new year by joining the best club around  ;)

Welcome to the club, you'll find us a friendly bunch. Come and say 'Hi' at a meeting one day.



Welcome to our club Bobcat, nice to have your wealth of experience over the years! ;)

Gary RH7

Welcome, it would be good to meet an old  fellow enthusiast. Hope to see you soon.


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