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A very good personality test.. Try it.

Started by 'The Gaffer', 28, February, 2016, 01:48:55 PM

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'The Gaffer'

This one is used by employment execs and many others. I thought it was pretty accurate.

It'l keep you busy for 12mins and no need to fill in email address, just click read more.

Crunchie Gears

I have just done the test.  Not sure it got me as much as the Mecuri Institute test but it has 23 personality traits and takes about 2 hours.  I come out as an extrovert in this test but I think Mercuri got it right; I can do social situations but do not need them.

I could go on but it is an interesting tool give the time spent and the number of traits it is measuring.

When we employ people as part of the recruitment we ask the to do a psychometric test and then interview for evidence of what they have indicated.  We combine this with ability papers to understand how they think and how bright they are in both logic and strategic thinking.  It works well for us.

Facial Hair Optional

Very, very interesting Phil. It got me spot on and I hate those things!!!

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