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Good Days Building

Started by YellaBelly, 10, April, 2010, 10:38:42 PM

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Well, finally got a squirt on again, spent the day whacking some more body work together and also managed to sort out the scuttle bulkhead and engine compartment tray.

Had a nightmare trying to use the free caravan skin aluminium I had to make the bonnet (because it's a +442 the stuff I had just wasn't long/wide enough to make it out of a single piece, but I cracked it using 2 halves :D. Not the most beautiful thing I know, but once it's filled and painted I think it should look OK. This is a Locost after all :)

A few piccies for your pleasure (or comments ;) )


'The Gaffer'

Really taking shape now mate, love the grill :)


Thanks Phil, the Pinto badge was the boss's idea. Came all the way from the good 'ole US of A. It's an original off a 1970 something Mustang :D


Bulldog Bri

What will you fiil the joint of the 2 halves with JB. as I would think just body filler would crack over time. Maybe open the joint slightly and drop some resin down the gap and retighten the bolts?!?!? just an idea..  ;D

Really coming on though bud having the bonnet on really makes the car look so much more finished doesn't it..



Really coming along !

Agree with Bri.
You could always make a feature out of the line in a painting scheme withsome suitable striping.


Thanks for the comments guys :)

I intend to fill the gap with metal epoxy (JB Weld as it happens :) ), and the stripe down the middle has already been decided Richard :D. Did a little messing around with the colour changer thing here http://www.mcgregormotorsport.co.nz/mach-7-colour-schemer to get some inspiration.

At the end of the day if it cracks it cracks, I'll worry about that when it happens :). Main thing is to get the car finished!


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