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My poor Spartan

Started by Spartan Woman, 31, August, 2010, 11:41:36 AM

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Spartan Woman

I bought an old (1965) Spartan about 9 years ago and did some work on it and took it out a few times - bliss!
For various reasons I had to garage it about 5 years ago and I've only just got it out again.
I had to put a new battery in it, but so far I haven't been able to get it to start.
So it's sitting on my drive, no MOT or tax, turhing over but not quite making it! Anyone want to help me get her going again?
One very sillt question before I go any further..... How can I tell if she'd +ve or -ve earth? I forgot to look when I took the old battery out. I assumed she'd be -ve, but the odometer says 'positive earth' on it, so I'm much mightily confused.
Look forward to hearing from someone who can help.

Spartan Woman

I don't think there's much wrong with her - she was working fine until I garaged her up 5 years ago. With a new battery she turns but doesn't catch.
I'd love to work on her this winter and take her out again next spring, so if anyone fancies giving me an hour or so just doing some basics (beer and sanis provided) you would be very welcome in Backwell, just south of Bristol.
Hilary  :)

'The Gaffer'

Hello Hilary and a warm welcome to the club.

In my experience some older cars were indeed +ve.

If you can, have a look at the colour of the big thick wire that goes from the battery to the earth (Chassis) of the car or starter motor. If its red my guess the car would be +ve (Positve earth), if its black its -ve (Negative earth) Do make sure the battery is put on the correct way round.

Maybr the fuel is a bit old, can you get some fresh stuff in?

Anyways, I'm sure someone mechanically minded will help our new damsel in distress member?

I Look forward to meeting you and your car at an event or meet soon.


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