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Started by Almondsburyhills, 18, December, 2010, 02:54:36 PM

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Hi i`m Alan, i have been restoring an old dutton phaeton s4 at present after helping my brother build his cobra(sumov8). i have attended a few sunday evening meetings and found its a very friendly and helpfull car club,and one day trip to the wet saturday exeter kit car show in convoy. Looking forward to a few more outings next year hopefully with the dutton, thats if the weather picks up, hense no garage.

'The Gaffer'

Hi Alan and a warm welcome to our club :).

Good luck with the builds and the weather, please feel free to do a build blog with some pics.


Hi alan, welcome to the club.



Hi Alan.  Good luck with the restoration.



Hi Alan,
                A warm welcome to a great club and hope this weather clears for you soon.
All the best for christmas and the new year.

                                      Cheers, Denzle.   ;)


A warm wlecome its about time you got the car on the road, a trip to the Nurbergring must be in the planning stage :P :P


'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome Alan and a Merry Christmas ... I was in the same convoy to Exeter



Hi Alan,
Welome to the club. You obviously enjoyed our trip down to Exeter !


Hi Alan,

Welcome to the club.

Look forward to some piccies :)


David H

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