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Started by chavapin, 22, September, 2011, 12:04:10 PM

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Having been a spectator at the recent CKC day in Llandow, and speaking with a few memebrs there, I though i'd register and show my support for what seems a cracking club

I'm an ex kit car owner having owned a Dutton Phaeton for several years in the mid 00's

My current project, although not a kit car may fit in the specialist section ?

Its a 1969 Terrapin single seater hillclimb car

Designed by Allan Staniforth, it was conceived for enthusausts to built off plan in a standard garage at home (early kit car really) using mini running gear

Mine is one of a few left that is still mini, as many have been converted to bike power in recent years

I know it isnt kit car material, and being based in South Wales I'm not exactky local but I thought I'd join in the forum fun anyway  :D


Welcome to the forum. ;D



Stick some pictures on I'd like to see it.

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club.

A couple of pics would be nice and maybe if you come across the bridge one day we can meet up.


thanks for the welocme guys

I am not the best on the computer but I will make the effort to try and get some photos of it on here


Hello and welcome :)


David H


Bulldog Bri

Welcome to the club. Your not the most distant member, so not problem.  ;D




I don't know id this will work but its the mk1 / 17 on the top of the for sale section

Bulldog Bri

Looking at the Pic I'd say more kit car than specialist, Could you not make a a road legal car?


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