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Started by Quantum owner, 11, December, 2011, 04:25:16 PM

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Quantum owner

Hi everyone. Im chris 19 year old from blackwood south wales. As you can guess by my user name i own a mk1 quantum coupe ive had it 5 months and currently doing a light resto on it. The main reson i bought it was the cheap insurance £735 insurance on a car i had for £435.

Its chassis number 9 out of 17 but only 15 are still around number 1 and 2 was written off. Out of the 15 only about 8 are on the road so a very rair car to see will put up a thread on it soon.

I also own a mgb gt that i had at the age of 15 which i have restored with my father. Allthough it will be for sale next year to make room for my first every kit car build which will be a mev exocet lightweight.

Couple of pics of my quantum when i had it done plenty since and my mgb gt

And 2 of my other project

Hope to meet some of you at a show next year sometime.


Hi Chris, welcome to the club. ;)          Tony


Welcome to the club.
I've never even heard of a quantum before. It looks abit like a old vauxhall front end with audi gt rear end joined together.
I do like it though. How come they only made 17?


Welcome along Chris. I have a few Quatum's around but never a coupe version...
MGBGT is nice tho, I guess its not the v8..

Good luck with the new build (next year) keep us posted on any movements. ;D

'The Gaffer'

Hi Chris and a warm welcome to our club.

Couple of nice cars there :)

Quantum owner

Thanks for the welcome.

Im not sure why they only made 17 but i believe it to be cause of the expensive monocoque design so no seperate chassis. The later mk2, 2+2 and h4 all were built around a metal frame, with the fiberglass boxing it in.

The mg is not the v8 just the standared 1.8 allthough i was  tempted to convert it to a k-series engine but the plan never happened.

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