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Hello, and looking for a kit

Started by WSquared, 26, May, 2012, 09:01:14 AM

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Hi Everybody. I have been dreaming of building a Hot Rod of some sort for many years, but first starting with an easier kit car of some sort to gain experience and get the right tools. Along my road in that quest, I recently bought a former electricity substation next door, partly to serve as a workshop. I have to convert that first. While that is being converted, I want to figure out what sort of kit I want to build etc.
Then to interrupt my plan, my wife's low-mileage (just 24k) 2005 Ford CMax broke it's cam belt and the engine is pretty much toast.  >:(  But the rest of the car is in good mechanical order. Selling it on eBay will only get me a grand or so, so I was wondering if there are any kits for which I could use the CMax as a donor. It may be worth more to me that way. Its either that or it goes on eBay very soon as we had to buy a replacement while we were arguing with Ford about doing some sort of deal on the repair (which they refused).
Many Thanks, William


Welcome along William.  What about buying a kit-car that needs a lot of TLC? That way you can strip it totally and may be up-grade the car with a nice engine, or even a bike engine cause they are the best  :D :D :D :D But then I would say that  ;)


I would certainly look at something that is already on the road albeit in need of work, then you can drive it for the summer before deciding what to do to it in the winter plus you save £500 or so by not having to IVA it and it's a lot less hassle.


Hello and welcome. Isn't the c-max based on a focus which is the basis of the MEV Rocket (or maybe Exocet - I forget high is which).


Thanks guys. @grinalot, yes the older CMax was effectively a Focus Mk2 (not the original shape) with a different body. So I guess I'm potentially looking for a kit that can use a Focus/CMax as a donor. Although I would need a different engine.

'The Gaffer'

Hi William and a warm welcome to our club.

Whatever you decide on please feel free to keep us updated with pics of your build.

As others have suggested, an easier route may be to find a car that has been IVA'd or SVA'd and rebuild it to your standards and taste.


Hi and welcome to the club and forum. ;)



hi there

and welcome

they do say in the kit car mags its better to buy a kit to suit you and not to buy one for a donor you may have all ready.


Quantum owner

Hi. Im pretty new to kit cars bought my quantum mk1 back in july 2011 due to cheap insurance for youngsters. Since then ive started a build from a mx5 an mev exocet exo style kit car it's the cheapest kit on the market at the moment the base kit is 2.4k but you can have options such as powder coat frame, lighting pack, seats, fuel tank etc. Everything is taken from the mx5 and it's a very easy car to strip and build back up im looking to build mine for under 5k but have gone for a few mods most are built for around 3-4k. Road track and race mev sister company do a iva service they will check the car over seen any failer points and contact you back to price the work to fix, then iva and fill out all the paper work this is what i will be doing.
Doing it this way saves much of the redoing jobs that ive had to do on the quantum.

I have a build thread on here in the build thread area of the forum.


Hi and welcome to the club :)

I tend to agree with peterw, my next 'project' will be something that has already been through the PITA of the IVA and registration! I'm just waiting for the test date and so is peterw. It's like having teeth pulled just waiting for it, god knows what I'll be like at the test?! :o

Sure you'll find something anyhow, and always lots of good advice on here ;)


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