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Started by Webby, 24, July, 2012, 10:01:14 PM

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Hi all. Just a quick intro. I am interested in a BEC. Being a biker i want the buzz from the acceleration etc. I was going to attend the show at Calne this weekend. Are a lot of you guys attending? Would anyone be interested in taking me out in their car to demonstrate what they are like? Cheers. Mike


Hi there and welcome to the club,

BEC are such a buzz you building your self or buying built ?


I'd buy built as too many projects already including house!


Yeah fair one any particular make in mind I had a MK Indy with a blade engine which was great fun

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club. Becs are fun ;D


Hi Mike, Welcome along mate. I have a BEC and will be going to Calne. You are welcome to had a ride in it.. :D Steve..


Steve I may take you up on that offer if I can get up to Calne Saturday. Are you guys about all day? What colour is your Indy Blade? I'll keep my eye out.

The MK Indy is the BEC that most intrigues me most.  Albeit I haven't had a close up look around any of the kits yet, especially BEC.

I ride bikes so this is where the interest stems from.

Hope to catch you guys Saturday.

'Mendip Wurzel'

Welcome to the club Webby


Hi and welcome to the club :D

Starting to wish I'd gone for a BEC so I didn't have issues with brake balance :( (see my IVA Fail thread ;))


Mines a yellow one, cant miss it. I  will be there from noon till about 2pm ish. I sent you a pm also..


Hello and welcome Mike ;D

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