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Started by Gemini, 04, September, 2013, 06:10:41 PM

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Hello, all.
This is the first club of this sort I have ever joined, so please be gentle with me; after all, as a kit car owner I have enough bruises to my psyche anyway!
I have:
1. a 1973 LOTUS Élan d/h Sprint. Not currently on the road, but who knows what may happen over the winter...
2. a 1989 built Autotune GEMINI. This is up and running but not MOT'd, and looking very odd due to my body modifications.
3. a HONDA S2000. Not a kit, I know, but fully poly-bushed and used for track days
4. a WESTFIELD SE. Former works built hill-climb car used for track days only as never road registered.
I'll try to get along to a meeting at the Riverside, it is after all, on my doorstep!!
Regards to all.


Hi Gemini.
                 It is this thur. meeting at Riverside


Hi Gemini,
How many cars do you need :D :D :D :D Looks like our Hairy Santa has got a rival  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Welcome along. Forecast is good for tomorrow so you never know a few of us may pop along.. 8)

'The Gaffer'

Hi and a warm welcome to our club. Hope to catch up with you one day.

You are welcome to post some pics of your cars.

Also a big thanks for your club donation, very much appreciated :)


Hello and welcome to the club :D

Like already said, Pete better look out ;)

Bulldog Bri

Warm welcome to another multi car owner.



Welcome to the club.  It was nice to see you at the meet tonight mate.  :D

garry h

Camber Dave

Hi and welcome

Cracking set of cars.

I am assisting another member here to build a new Gemini/R1 for the 750 Club RGB championship.

Look forward to meeting up some time.


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