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New member from wiltshire (Stonehenge)

Started by Cluffy80, 30, October, 2013, 10:54:36 AM

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Hi all, I'm a new member to the forum. I live in wiltshire very close to Stonehenge. I currently own a Robin Hood Exmo running a 2l standard pinto. I do have a face book page aswell dedicated to the kit car scene. If it's ik with the admin I will post the link if not no worrys.

'The Gaffer'

Hi Cluffy80 and a warm welcome to our club. Please feel free to post up some pictures of your car.

I have no problem you posting your FB link as long as it does not contain advertising ;)


Many thanks. I shall update all my details an add a few photos and of course the link in time. Many thanks for letting me join.


Good morning to you all. I am a new member to the page and have posted up the welcome page as well. Just thought I would say a hello and a little bit about me. Well I'm Ashley and I am the owner of a Robin Hood Exmo ruining a 2l standard pinto. ( I shall post some pics when I'm in my laptop) I live in wiltshire about 3 miles east of Stonehenge.

I have just recently started a Facebook page for kit car lovers as well. This group isn't for any pacific type of kit car, so please feel free to join the page and share anything you like. Photos videos story's for sales etc. I can't post a link to the page as yet as mobile won't let me. The page is called kit car owners group. Feel to to join and of course invite any other kit car lovers to join as well.

Bulldog Bri

Welcome aboard Ashley I know your a fair way from our area but I'm sure we'll get to see you on a run or show. Pic's are easy to post once you got the hang of it. Lol

So get posting ;)



Welcome along mate.. I too have a fb page but don't ask me to post a link!! Not got a clue how  :D :D :D
Good to have another Wiltshire lad on the forum  8)


Welcome to the club.
We do do events down south so hopefully you can join us on a few of them next year.  :)


Welcome to the club. hope to see the car at a meet sometime, but failing that, piccies will do :D

garry h

Welcome to the club Ashley look forward to seeing some pics soon  :) :) :)


Hi Cluffy,

Looking forward to the pics.  Your are in a good part of the world so if you don't come to see us we could come to see you!


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