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Mk Indy Blade sick...Who can re-build the 919 engine?

Started by fullpint, 02, December, 2014, 06:53:22 PM

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 :( Been a while since I used the Mk so this weekend I thought I best fire her up!!
Got a nasty top-end noise.. Im guessing a sticky valve or two  :( :(
Can anyone recommend a company (local would be nice) who can offer a top-end re-build? And a new clutch whilst its out the car...


Sorry mate I don't know any one over your way. I do know of people in north Bristol if that helps?

'The Gaffer'

It would mean boxing up but Andy Bates at AB Performance is the guy to sort your engine. What he does not know about Fireblade engines isn't worth talking about.

Daley Down Under

The clutch is real easy to do.  Andy Bates can provide the parts.  When I had my Megablade, I used Bikecare in North Bristol.  Really nice guy runs it called Jim (has done for years).  Tell him Adrian with the Marlboro Car sent you.


Cheers guys, I will get the lump removed this weekend and make a call.. Will try to take a few short video clips so they can hear the noise. It may not help them but!!!  ;D


Good luck with it!

With a bit of luck it will just be a slack cam chain possibly due to a failed tensioner - easy to see if you take the sprocket cover off.  It seems to be one of the only things that fails on you rather reliable engine. 

But if comes to the worst why not whack in a Hyabusa!



Thanks Ian, Will whip the cover off and take a look.. As for a Busa lump  :P

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