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Stoneleigh Kit Car Show 2017 Sunday 30th April & Monday 1st May

Started by 'The Gaffer', 08, December, 2016, 06:48:49 PM

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'The Gaffer'

I have had paperwork from the organisers of the Stoneleigh Kit Car Show for 2017 and before I pass this on to another club to make it easier for them to claim the plot (should they want it), I figured it would be a good idea to make this public to BKCC members who might still want to represent the BKCC at Stoneleigh. The reality of this is probably slim but still a members choice nevertheless despite the mass exodus of late.

Please let me have your thoughts on this over the next seven days please.



I usually go and enjoy the event. If our members can speak up and make a good showing, I'd be happy to go along. If other clubs need space, I'm sure we could offer to share. After all BKCC is nice like that.

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