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Started by alastair, 13, April, 2010, 06:56:56 PM

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Hi guys and gals,

My name is Alastair and I was introduced to a few of the sites members a couple of weeks ago when out on a bit of a cruise with my mate.
I own an original mini. I say original in the sense that it is not a BMW. Its a 1997 mayfaire which Ive done a fair bit of work on. Ok so its not technically a kit car, but it has been modified quite a bit. Probably got as many new bits and peices on it as some kit cars. Anyway, I'll try to get some pics of it online soon.



Hi, Get your pics on!  very cool wee car! 8)

Hairy Santa

Hi Alistair,

Welcome to the club - maybe a bit belated

did you sort that belt alignment problem out in the end



Here's a few pics of your mini from our BH meet.  8)


Warm welcome

good job the photos are from a private road, perhaps get the tzx sorted before a run out.

looks a fun mini, tend to thik of the Mayfairs as the newer model  ;)

Bulldog Bri

Welcome from me as well

I've had my share of Mini's to. A Clubman Estate bring my first car Followed by a Black Mayfair and also a 'Red Hot' loved driving all of them just not so keen on working on them  ;D


'The Gaffer'

Hi Alistair.

A warm welcome to the club. Nice to meet you on our last run if only for a short while. Hope your tow home went OK. Is your fan belt now aligned? ;)

Yes, you may not have a kit car as such, but the work you have done to your Mini is comendable, and as you say you have added many non standard parts to your car.. including a turbo :)

Look forward to seeing you again.


Hi, and welcome to the club :)

Spent a bit of time working on minis too. Renovated a 1984 Mayfair for my eldest son a few years ago. It was an automatic but the gearbox was fubarred so I got hold of an MOT write-off manual and used the engine/gerabox and subframe out of that one. Took me about 3 months to sort it after all the work I had to do.

Best bit was getting rid of the donor, spent 2 days with an angry grinder, cold chisel and lump hammer  8). Best stress therapy I can think of  ;D and the whole lot fitted into my Laguna estate to take to the tip and dump in the metal bin. Got a few funny looks though :D


David H

i've got a lot of time for minis, i've had two. It was my first car. Yours looks cracking. what is going on under the bonnet??


Hi Guys,

Thanks for such a warm welcome. Wasnt sure what to expect as its not technically a kit car. Sorry I havent replied sooner, but been really busy.

Firstly for those of you asking aboutthge fan belt, Its allsorted now. I'd put a spacer the wrong side of the water pump pully which caused the belt to keep slipping off. Its all sorted now inc a new belt.

The engine is a Metro Turbo 1275cc bored to 1293. It was built by slark racing down in Salisbury. Its got a charge cooler, paddle clutch, straight cut drop gears(they sound amazing!), offset 32mmx36mm modified head.........this goes on.
I had it Rolling roaded last year and it was putting out 147Bhp and 142lbs/ft of trque. Im currently running it at 120bhp which is more than adequate for the public roads.

Hopefully I will get to meet some more of you at the Llandow track day.

Cheers guys, Al

'The Gaffer'

Good info and nice to catch up with you at Cheddar.


A belated hello and welcome Alastair ;D

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