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Engine is out of the donor !

Started by Furore Phil, 08, August, 2010, 06:56:34 PM

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Furore Phil

Finally after almost a year of work, the engine is out of the donor ! only 3 bits left to remove.

Other commitments have hamperd progress, plus I wanted to see if it was possible to remove the engine without using a crane... It is, just. Took it out by dropping it onto a trolley and then by removing the side of the car.

Glad I never really drove the donor (only backed it off the lorrey) - major metal worm attack ! if it had been in an accident or even driven a little to hard over a speed bump, the chassis would have collapsed !


Great job Phil, that has to be the most inovative way to remove an engine, can't belive you managed it with such a small hammer! ;D

Bulldog Bri

I did a similar thing when I built my first car, lowered it on to a wheeled board and then 2 of us picked the front of the car up and pushed it backwards, then rolled the engine away.

Trouble is dismantling a car is the fun bit, it's all the cleaning and prep work that takes the time.

Good luck with it all. Keep the pic's coming.


'The Gaffer'

Quote from: Phil on 08, August, 2010, 06:56:34 PM

Took it out by dropping it onto a trolley and then by removing the side of the car.

Love it :)

Furore Phil

It was great fun too ! I really have the hang of using an angle grinder now.

Something quite satisfying about hacking great chunks out of an old car, showers of sparks and then wacking whats left with a hammer. My sons though it was cool too.

Now I have to test out all your rust removing techniques... Vinegar first I think

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