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Engine is in !

Started by Furore Phil, 27, September, 2010, 08:32:58 AM

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Furore Phil

Finally got the engine in  :D

Took the entire weekend. I now ache all over anf have a streaming cold. All that fresh air is bad for you after all  :(

Bulldog Bri

Looking good in there, though a bit of a clear out of the garage might help with moving around it :o your not putting those MR2 doors on are you  ;D

Keep up the good progress bud.


'The Gaffer'

Good progress Phil, hope to see you out on the road soon :)

Furore Phil

Thanks guys !

I'm planning on stripping down the MR2 doors and selling the parts on ebay. It's surprising what will sell.

Unfortunately I managed to break the garage door just as I was finishing off. I pulled it down using one of the corners instead of using the middle nad the end of the cable popped of the runner. >:(

Furore Phil

Tried to sell the MR2 doors complete - no luck.

Stripped them down for parts - made £30 ! and that doesn't include postage.

'The Gaffer'

A few more nuts and bolts sold and you'll have paid for the donor :)

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