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I've got a new toy, and want to play!!!

Started by RMW50, 30, December, 2010, 03:44:20 PM

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Very late summer 2010 I bought a Stuart Taylor Motorsport Locoblade, and spent every opportunity to go out and make some noise, much to the wife's disgust! I have changed a few things on it so far, including a new exhaust silencer.
I cant seem to find any kit car clubs in the midlands, but would be more than interested in any events etc that you guys are planning, so that I can get out on the road.

I will try and attach a picture, but I am not sure how this works.../Users/richardmccormick-wilson/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Modified/2010/29 Oct 2010/IMG_1615.JPG

I look forward to hearing from you.


Daley Down Under


Welcome to the club. Keep your eyes on the posts. There'll be plenty happening soon. Some events are already being advertised.



Thanks Adrian,

I am trying my best to get a picture added to my profile, but not doing that well! How far afield do you guys go for events / meetings?



Welcome Rich. I seem to remember Phil (G & Tonic) sorting my profile picture for me? Cheers, Pete

Hairy Santa

Hi Rich and welcome

We do have a few bike engined motors kicking around the club so you would be more than welcome to join in the fun

Just let Phil have a couple of shots and he will put one on for you, but dont ever upset him as he has total control over whats put up - that could get quite funny  ;)

Hope to see you sometime



Hairy Santa / Phil,

Thanks for your help, what do you have, something with a bit more than my 900cc I guess?!



I am not sure how to upload photos just yet, but they should be available to see at http://gallery.me.com/rmw50#100089 let me know if it does or doesn't work!


Hairy Santa

Quote from: RMW50 on 30, December, 2010, 07:03:05 PM
Hairy Santa / Phil,

Thanks for your help, what do you have, something with a bit more than my 900cc I guess?!


I have a
Spectre R42 - quadcam 4.6 - 6 speed 350BHp
Dax Rush Hayabusa turbo 330 BHp
And 2 other cars that I will get round to advertizing one day
a Mac 1 2ltr Zetec twin 45's - £5200 and a ToniqR fireblade quickshift gears lots of mods £6600
and I'm starting to run out of garage space, so as you do when is snowing, I'm building another - he he
I expect Phil will be along in a mo to tell you about his


Wow Phil,

With such a choice how do you choose which one to take out?!!



Hairy Santa

Quote from: RMW50 on 30, December, 2010, 07:34:48 PM
Wow Phil,

With such a choice how do you choose which one to take out?!!


Thats easy -- which ever one has the snow plough fitted on at the time  ;D


Quote from: dave_bence on 30, December, 2010, 08:26:05 PM
Hello and welcome Rich ;D

Are you local?


Unfortunately not, I am in Solihull ear to the NEC, but there doesn't seem to be any suitable clubs near to me, but I am able to travel - as long as it not too far, motorways are a little too noisy and boring!


Bulldog Bri

Hiya and welcome. though your not local for club meets you'd be more than welcome to join as at Stoneleigh next year. May bank hol's Sun/Mon get away from all the royal wedding stuff on the TV that will still be on. :o



Welcome to the club
Here is a photo of my Stuart Taylor Locoblade.
I also live a long way from Bristol but hope to meet up at some track days this year.

Daley Down Under

Quote from: RMW50 on 30, December, 2010, 07:19:53 PM
I am not sure how to upload photos just yet, but they should be available to see at http://gallery.me.com/rmw50#100089 let me know if it does or doesn't work!


Rich - car looks very tidy.  My previous Westfield Megablade ran an RRV 919cc and that was spot on.  New car has a supercharged ZZR1400.


I guess that we all need to start somewhere, at the moment I love my fireblade engined toy, but someday I guess I may feel the need to upgrade.... This is why I need to meet like minded people!

I look forward to meeting you all soon, let me know when you are next meeting up. I am also interested in a track day, but I haven't done one yet, so I am not sure what to look for...



Quote from: bulldog bri on 30, December, 2010, 10:19:49 PM
Hiya and welcome. though your not local for club meets you'd be more than welcome to join as at Stoneleigh next year. May bank hol's Sun/Mon get away from all the royal wedding stuff on the TV that will still be on. :o


Bulldog bri,

not sure if I am doing this right, but thanks for the message. I went ot Stoneleigh this year before I bought my toy, but I am really looking forward to meeting up with you guys at the 2011 event if not sooner.



Quote from: tony.g on 30, December, 2010, 10:31:38 PM
Welcome to the club
Here is a photo of my Stuart Taylor Locoblade.
I also live a long way from Bristol but hope to meet up at some track days this year.


It is good to see that your windscreen is about as big as mine, I felt the need to take it our a few weeks ago, just before the snow, and that was fun... at least on the straight bits, it was a a bit lively on the bend and islands....
Hopefully we can meet up in the future, maybe Stoneleigh 2011?



Quote from: bulldog bri on 30, December, 2010, 10:19:49 PM
Hiya and welcome. though your not local for club meets you'd be more than welcome to join as at Stoneleigh next year. May bank hol's Sun/Mon get away from all the royal wedding stuff on the TV that will still be on. :o


That doesn't seem to be much contest does it? Does the BKCC have a stand? Maybe we can put up some "token" bunting to justify the extra day off...


'The Gaffer'

Hello Rich and a warm welcome to our club.

Things will be a little quiet here till the weather gets better, but please have a look around and have a go at posting some pics. I have just done your avatar :)

Even though you are a M5 drive from us, I look forward to seeing you and your car at an event, meet , or trackday in the new year.

Get a nice helmet, an Ipod, and the miles will soon pass :)


Hi Rich, welcome to the forum.  Were a pretty friendly lot......have fun!



Quote from: G & Toniq on 30, December, 2010, 11:55:47 PM
Hello Rich and a warm welcome to our club.

Things will be a little quiet here till the weather gets better, but please have a look around and have a go at posting some pics. I have just done your avatar :)

Even though you are a M5 drive from us, I look forward to seeing you and your car at an event, meet , or trackday in the new year.

Get a nice helmet, an Ipod, and the miles will soon pass :)

G & Toniq,

Thanks for your message,

I already have the helmets for the motorway blitz (after having to duck a few large pigeons at 60mph+ !!)

Thanks for sorting the photo thingy out, I cant wait for the wet weather to go away and I can get out on the road again.

Thanks to everyone for there messages so far.



Quote from: paintman on 31, December, 2010, 12:00:35 AM
Hi Rich, welcome to the forum.  Were a pretty friendly lot......have fun!



Thanks for your message, it is a shame that you are all so far away, I suppose I will need to make some trips down the long road (although with an unfeasibly small fuel tank it may take some time)



Hi Rich and welcome.  :D

Im from your area but now live in Evesham and realise the difficulty in getting to some of the meets, I hope to get to some this year.

Theres not only the Stoneleigh show but the Hampton Ferry Car Show at Evesham on the 3rd July.

I am trying my best to make this into a mega show with all types of cars.  This year should be good.  There are no fees, as in, none profit making,so hope to see you there.  Its not too far from Solihull.
If you have friends with a kit, veteran, vintage, or classic car please get in touch.

For directions log onto www.hamptonferry.co.uk  Its a good site with its own Licensed restaurant.

                                 Cheers, Denzle.  ;)



Thanks for the message, I did notice a couple of people a little nearer to me on the members map - do you know how I put myself on that map?
Stonleigh will be a deffinate one for the bank holiday weekend and I look forward to meeting you and the others from the club. I should also be up for the Hampton Ferry do, although something at the back of my mind tells me I may have soemthing already planned for that weekend...
Basically any excuse to get the toy out and have some fun, if in the meantime there is a run down to the Bristol area and you fancy it let me know, as long as you dont mind stopping at lots of petrol stations on the way!

Hope to catch up with you in the future,



Hi Rich.
             The Gaffer will put you on the map when the time is right for him.  ;)

As for the date of the Hampton Ferry Show.  Try and put the other off if you can. If the weather is OK it should be mega this year. Ive been all out contacting, posting and adding to other forums.  Its looking good.   ;D

Last year was the first for the show and most peoples calenders were full so it was hard to get numbers.   :(

So everyone counts this year, if you can make it, I would be very gratefull.  Its only for the Sunday 3rd July.

I am hoping the BKCC will back me in full trength......... Are you reading this folks....... :-*  Though a lot depends on the weather on the day.


As for the run to Bristol.....  I will be out in the very near future looking for a place so the club can meet. and have some fun for the day.
   I hope near enough to Bristol - Gloucester that will be fair for all to travel.  I Will keep the forum informed.

All the best for now.......Denzle.   8)

'The Gaffer'

Quote from: RMW50 on 12, January, 2011, 01:39:17 PM
I did notice a couple of people a little nearer to me on the members map - do you know how I put myself on that map?

Stonleigh will be a deffinate one for the bank holiday weekend and I look forward to meeting you and the others from the club.

Rich, post up your locality (Not full address) and I will add you to map.

Also put your name down on the Stonleleigh thread if you havent already indicating when you are going and whether you will be in you kit car.


Quote from: 'The Gaffer' on 12, January, 2011, 10:05:43 PM
Quote from: RMW50 on 12, January, 2011, 01:39:17 PM
I did notice a couple of people a little nearer to me on the members map - do you know how I put myself on that map?

Stonleigh will be a deffinate one for the bank holiday weekend and I look forward to meeting you and the others from the club.

Rich, post up your locality (Not full address) and I will add you to map.

Also put your name down on the Stonleleigh thread if you havent already indicating when you are going and whether you will be in you kit car.

I am in Solihull, B92 post code, is that enough info to put me on the map?

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