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Started by minijon, 13, January, 2011, 02:26:53 PM

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Need to sell my beloved Mini based kit car ,and also my 1275GT due to personal circumstances ........
Have owned and driven my Wiliam Towns designed Hustler for near on 19 years .   Towns worked for many car companies and did the designs for the Aston Martin Lagonda and Bulldog . The Hustler project was he told me a design concept for the Third World , and after he died I found that he had also designed the earlier 1970's concept Micradot hybrid car - and the Hustler used the same bathtub mouldings to rear that were in the Micradot  and took a bank of  electric batteries .
The big 6 wheeler designs caught on quickly and just as quickly became dated ...the 4wheel saloon and jeep variants were later voted by the press as more practical .
This is a 4 wheel Hustler and based on the Hellcat utility pickup design .   Mini based .  Tax exempt with a very nice number plate ' BOA 660A '.
Full rewire and brake overhaul , 1275cc engine with stage 1 head /Maniflow exhaust . Leather interior .
Side screens and tonneau cover to rear payload area .
£2450 ono located N.Wilts near Bristol .

Pics here when I can figure out how .
xx unless I'm being really stupid I cannot find any pic upload feature here unless its only by a photo hosting website [which I don't have ].   Here is a link with photos from my advert on carandclassic.co.uk :


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